Pending Race Change Purchase

Saw the double charge one and figured I’d mention what I am seeing.

The card we use has no problems. Wanted to race change Sposcorky to Mechagnome.

The race change has sat at pending now for some time. Maybe a few hours?

We went ahead and converted gold to tokens for the race changes. So that is solved.

Maybe there are some back end issues?

Anyway, usually these go through very quickly (same card).

If it surpasses 24 hours, quite possibly.

First day is just a standard waiting period mostly for congestive issues, unfortunately an industry-wide commonality.


Yah that’s what I figured.

The race change has been taken care of so just waiting to see what happens.

What do I do with another race change?

/shrug see when I get there I suppose.

Refunding is always an option, especially within the two week period Blizzard offers. :wink: