Pending Hunter Updates - Next Week's Wish List

You can equip a level 70 bow and staff and do the same thing. Why are you being obtuse? When I said “cantrip” I meant things with a special passive bonus or passive active ability. Do you really think the majority of players have cantrip weapons? Just because a weapon is “epic” doesn’t mean it’s a cantrip.

Someone made the claim that Survival CANT use barrage. That is not true. Survival SHOULDNT use barrage, but that is not a unique case to the spec.

Like many posters here, you accuse anyone that disagrees with you as trolling and then move the goal posts when you’re proven wrong.

Right, which it doesn’t and hasn’t for any other specialization that’s gotten the same treatment, so I don’t even know why it’s brought up. Trees that are made cheaper are just that, made cheaper. They do not have less points than other specs to spend and their is nothing added that prevents them from taking things they could have taken prior…because the nodes are made cheaper.

If a 2pt node is connecting to something utility wise, and the tree is remade, that former node is just 1pt. Nothing changes with the node it connects to (the hypothetical expected utility). That means you have an entire extra point to spend elsewhere.

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My guy, you took several posts just to try to claim Barrage isn’t useless to Survival.

And yes, I’ll go out on a limb to say that “There are absolutely zero use cases for it in group content that are not better performed by options that are already consistently more useful” is the same as “useless” or even “not usable”.

  • To the same degree that, “No one” and “no one sane and not doing so as a bit” are functionally the same.

There is no free lunch, mate.

If you “add free talent points” by making the spec tree “cheaper”, you then siphon that strength from baseline.

  • And that’s before even getting into whether you want new and satisfying talent effects to spend those points on instead of spending them simply on more of the preexisting talents.

    And yes, before you mention it, making utilities like Misdirection, Tranq Shot, and Countershot baseline as I have suggested would likewise affect the spec’s overall balance. Obviously. I just happen to think that those tools are better off as non-choices, for both class favor and to reduce group tensions.

And yes, if you increase the power of just a previously balanced X, you leave X overpowered, thereby decreasing choice. If you increase the power of all but X (e.g., talents like Misdirection and Tranq Shot), thereby making those utilities more punishing to take since a larger portion of your total throughput and survivability now comes from competing talents.

As such, the only ever worthwhile goal is satisfying customizability.

Going to relink my last comment to OP, since it’s since been buried (my fault among others’):

You mean like Neltharax? Yes a huge number of people are using this weapon since it’s best in slot and was obtainable without raids or m+ or pvp. You just had to do a weekly quest. Yet for some reason you feel the need to incessantly argue with people about what can potentially be done in the game when it has no bearing on the conversation whatsoever.

Someone used the word can’t instead of shouldn’t and it takes you 17 replies and your entire evening to defend it. That’s called trolling my guy.

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I never claimed it wasn’t useless. I said it was usable after people said it can’t be used and SV is the only spec in the game that has a useless talent, which isn’t true.

You’re so right man barrage can’t be used for survival. there is no way it can be used for the spec. It is greyed out entirely. I hope they fix it so it can be physically used by the spec. Blizzard will take us seriously if we lie and over exaggerate things.

Except that hasn’t happened.

Except that’s not what happens either.

You said you can’t even weapon swap in combat and said I was spreading misinformation for saying you could. That’s called trolling my guy.

You are vastly over estimating the amount of people that engage in end game activities. And yes, doing 4 m0s is a lot more than what most people that play this game do.

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The lack of self awareness is astonishing. You literally made a false claim they corrected you and now you’re having the biggest hissy fit. Grow up

You guys have got to quit arguing on every post someone tries to make :man_shrugging:

This post was about a wish list of things for the Hunter update, if you said your piece on something you would have liked to see or maybe commented on an idea you liked or could improve I would say that is the most you should be adding.

This kind of pointless bickering just makes Hunters look bad.

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Happens with every class because the forums are full of idiots who have no idea how a class or spec works but feel the need to comment anyway

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I think we should have a :
1)60% uptime defensive for at least 50% dr
2) no cd on feint death
3) turtle cd reduced to 30 seconds
4) hunter’s mark stacking, increasing dmg by 40% and working in execute range
5) extra 25 talent points for both trees
6) and a 66% increase in recharge rate for all of our abilities on cooldown

Come on, you’ve spent half this thread arguing semantics. We all know barrage is a broken talent for SV because what you’d need to do to use it (yes… technically SV can use it but it’s so far fetched and convoluted it’s obvious they either forgot it or ignore it) is first waste a talent point for it, reasonable sure. But to then use it you’d need to Change loot spec… be lucky and get a ranged weapon (just having to have two weapons drop and be decent ilvl is laughable) and then you need to make a macro for weapon swapping mid combat which hasn’t been a thing since… classic? TBC? and then you need to spend 3 GCD every time you want to use barrage… not to mention while swapped to ranged weapon pretty much everything else is locked out for you since… you know we are meant to use melee weapons.

Do you really, with a straight face, sit there and say that this is not a broken talent for SV? That it’s even remotely reasonable to expect people to do this? I doubt you can.
But you will probably “not argue” back at me how we “can” do it so it’s intended and not broken or w/e.

Just think your whole thread-wide argument is silly. Just let it go, drop it. There is a million other things worth arguing over in regards to hunter, dont waste internet-ink on silly semantics.


Isn’t by this same logic all the left side of the class tree for mm broken

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yes of course

Actually legion BFA and even SL

Plus there are some classes that still have those weapon swap moments in DF :

All of that being said, yes, it is silly that it’s still a thing and those requirements should be removed.

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While it isn’t the end of the world, I would really love being able to pick out which pets do what. Don’t shoehorn us into certain pets. Let us customize.


Second. I personally think they need to rework the whole pet system. All from the stable to pet families to pet abilities/talents. Pet stables haven’t been modified outside of increasing size since wow launch 20 years ago. And the pets are in the worst state they’ve ever been. We’ve had expansions where we have pet talent trees, pet training and choice of pet buffs and getting to choose what pet specialization our current pet uses. And for some reason they thought all that was too good? so they reverted back to… nothing.

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I posted earlier, pretty sure on this character… that bare minimum we need to…

  • Return to choosing our Pet’s specialization.
  • Maybe a system where we ‘learn’ pet appearances when we tame them, and that the barber can let us customize our pet to any learned appearance in their pet family, account-wide too. This would logically allow them to also reduce the stable size, but whats the point? Nothing to stop you from loading up on a ton of the same pet family too as actual pets, just ease of which you can change the appearance.
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Well, yes… because it is.

The left side being pet talents would be fine if Lone Wolf weren’t required for group content, but it having zero use cases at all even then due to its scaling and not even the faintest niche or utility advantage does leave it unworkable for MM.

That’s been the consensus from the start, so why treat it as some “gotcha”?

    • The hunter pet stable has been updated:
      • The pet preview window is now larger.
      • More information about the pet is displayed, including a list of abilities.
      • Pets can be favorited and added to a separate group at the top of the stable list.
      • The stable list is now searchable and sortable by name, specialization, abilities, and more.
      • Pets can now be renamed directly from the stable without certificate items.
      • Pets can now be released directly from the stable without needing to be summoned.
      • For the Beast Mastery specialization, the pet that is summoned by the Animal Companion talent now has a dedicated slot next to the Active pet list. The tooltip has been updated to reflect this change.

That said, I have some things I’d still like them to do with the updated interface. It does still leave some things to desire.

About the rest of what you said, I would agree. The pets and everything that comes with them does need to be looked into again.


I hope for this more than any other change.
Not having multi-shot for trash in between bosses feels miserable, and people especially in LFR don’t give you time to respec.
On the flip side, knowing you’ve spent points into MS during purely ST phases feels bad too.

Pretty wild statement to make considering they just redid the whole UI 3 weeks ago lol.

This would be neat but apparently, some models like the Emerald Dream birbs have a lot of customization. And since they just reworked the stable, not sure they will put more effort into pets but I hope I’m wrong. It also slightly defeats the purpose of rarity and having to tame each type to unlock the appearance is a bit annoying when you realistically don’t need more than 2 copies unless you want your stampede (that no one takes) or CoTW to be just that pet.

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Huh, I had totally missed that. I have been away for some time tho, just came back to blast some remix. Might leave again after depending on what they do with hunter for TWW.

Must say it’s a decent update to the stable. Still kind of annoying we have to go to a physical NPC but still keeps some of the nostalgia. I would agree with you now, we need the pet customization badly but stable is more than good enough for what I personally want/use.