Pending Hunter Updates - Next Week's Wish List

No, you can swap some weapons in combat. Just not the ones people are actually using right now.

Unless you buy some of these from the AH/have an engineer make em for ye:

[Interdimensional Companion Repository]

It’s…a number of steps in the right direction, for sure.

I posted some feedback in the PTR forum for the patch, when they were making the stable rework. The PTR forum has ofc been closed, maybe the topic I posted in can still be found in the archive sites or something. Essentially, my thoughts were…


  • I would like it if they added some tooltips when mousing over pets, etc. in the updated stables interface. Where certain info could be displayed so that you don’t have to click on each pet to check what they can do/provide.

Stable Scrollframe

  • There’s a bit too much padding/space inbetween the individual frame elements(each pet) in the scrollframe. It only allows you to see between 6-7 pets at a time, which isn’t all that much.
  • The stable scrollframe could do with an indicator of which pets are Exotic, via text or a symbol or something.
  • Ideally, there should be an option to assign pets as Favorites directly within the stable scrollframe. A right-click option, similar to how parts of the collections interface do it, for mounts, or battle pets.
  • There aren’t a whole lot of sorting/filter options for players to tinker with atm. Nor is there a way to view the stables without forced sorting/filters being applied. Preferably, more of these options should be added.
  • Even though the Animal Companion(BM pet nr2) is technically a part of your stabled pets, there’s currently no way to display it within the stable scrollframe.
  • Separators within the scrollframe, used for different sorting categories, could use some finishing touches.
    • If you have the sorting option for Families selected, it becomes more obvious that there should be a collapse all/expand all button, for each category separator.
    • If you select the sorting option for name; A-Z/Z-A, the category separator simply says “Uncategorized”. It should ideally say which sorting option is being applied.

Model Viewer/Pet Preview-Frame

  • Having the frame for your Active pets become an overlay over the model viewer-frame, I don’t agree with this. Ideally, for it to be less confusing to newer players, they should be displayed separately.
  • The slot intended for your Animal Companion currently isn’t very informative as to what it’s for. The only way for players to even get an idication of how it isn’t actually an Active pet, like the slots next to it which are for your Active pets, is the dash – which is serving as a separator. No tooltips, no header text, nothing explaining what that 6th slot is for.
  • The list where the abilities of any pet you’ve selected are being displayed, it’s currently not using proper logic for displaying the respective abilities. For some pets, the different ability types are displayed in a certain order, while for other pets, they’re in a different order. For some pets, different ability types are essentially being displayed in a shuffled manner. Again, this can be confusing to players who don’t know by heart what each ability does, or why the pet has it.
  • The dynamic button used to swap pets between the stables and the active slots, if you have 5 pets in the active slots already, it will always swap a pet in the stables into the first active slot. This does makes sense, in a way. But again, it can result in a negative experience for some players who unintentionally swaps the wrong pets, and then have to find the right pet in their stables again.
    • Preferably, if you have 5 pets in your Active slots already, it should ask you which pet you want to swap out, when you click on that button.

Think this was all that I posted in the feedback topic, IIRC.

Other posters, several, voiced their displeasure over how there’s no way to manually sort their stabled pets in the scrollframe.

  • This point of feedback certainly holds water, as there’s simply no feasible way to add enough filter/sorting options to cater to everyone’s desires.

It has ofc been a while since the stable update went live. No changes have been made based on any feedback from players, as of yet. I’m not too surprised really, I doubt we’ll see any further changes made to the stables prior to TWW. After all, these things take longer than one might expect to work through. That is, if they opt to make any changes at all that is.

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Hunters mark applies passively.

You dont lose utility when using lone wolf.

Super basic, quality of life stuff is minimal im expecting imo


This would make me so happy. I feel like the design intent is for MM to have the choice to run with or without a pet without being gimped one way or the other. Really hope they’ve had time to work that all out.


I had no idea that item existed. Amazing!