Penance is the scorpid poison of healing

ITs almost like, they were overpowered in pve as well.

It’s really the combo of penance and prayer of mending, you can pump out insane burst healing, unlike any class in the game.

Not to mention compared to era, this point in the game is much slower. Fireball on era does 60% hp, sod it does like 20.

Priest ability to shut down an offense is unmatched and frankly broken. In this phase it needs to be taxed more on mana to be fair, and then can be reevaluated at 40, etc.


And Priest healing isn’t?

If Blizzard had a history of doing that I might agree, however, I remember a holy spec getting gutted on it’s scaling in Ulduar and still feeling the effects of it all the way to freaking Cataclysm so you will forgive me if I don’t see that as a reasonable expectation.

Why are you complaining about Paladins, or do you just object to the idea of beacon of light? It’s nice, though they still will be relegated to the most part to being tank healers. Outside of this, they didn’t get any healing runes for the most part, and while solid healers, at 25 really aren’t anything special, and won’t heal for any more then they did in classic.

Haven’t played a lock, so can’t so no idea about its self healing.

Ngl, i hate beacon of light. Give us something new, this is supposed to be season of discovery, not season of abilities we get in later xpacs

That was a rhetorical question to shed light on the ridiculous idea that any level of healing is okay because you can press the “instantly kill their priest without any repercussions” button.

In reality the priest has peels and heals which means they will be casting spells and what those spells do matters.

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That’s 540 healing in 2 seconds. That’s just about 40% of a player’s life bar. In 2 seconds. That still does partial healing if kicked. And you have to be on top of them to kick. Or, if you’re a shaman, give up on 30%hp and 10% DR. Or have your 1 min HoJ cooldown if you’re pally. And they still get one tick off. How is this risk/reward not completely skewed? That burst healing is far and away the best in the game right now.

You can instant cast PoM first so that your Penance procs it. I just got lvl 15 on my priest today, can’t wait to get 19 and terrorize wsg.

My penance at lvl 15 does more damage than lvl 25 frostbolt no spell power on either… and the healing is double or triple that.

Strength melee beat on my priest for about 140-160 a swing. So this kind of damage is ok but Penance healing 1 target for possibly 540 once every 12 seconds is what’s broken? If I get 2 Flash Heals off over 3 seconds it’s the same thing. Should be we nerf flash heal?

Or are you just not playing into healers very well?

I’m also pretty sure warlocks are healing more than this with dots and hots rn.


Fear them off you? Power Word Shield and then cast with your un-pushable spells? Travel with a buddy, like all healers have done since the beginning of time? I don’t know what to tell you, dude. Press your buttons.

2 flash heals over 3 seconds is a lot more mana hungry, kicks prevent the whole spell (assuming it hits the first one, which it should), it takes 50% longer, and if you can’t PW:S then you’ll suffer from severe spell pushback. It’s more interactable by so much. It’s not even comparable.


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I’m not complaining about a lack of tools. I’m pointing out that buffing damage out the wazoo and giving healers no way to counter in terms of healing is preposterous.

LMAO there are more priest parses than the other healers combined and you want to say they’re not busted in PvE?

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Thats because almost every raid takes a priest for dispel and fort, and one other healer… but HPS wise all of the healers are very close. So yes. I am saying that. Yet another person who doesn’t understand the difference between causation and correlation and tries to bend it to their narrative lol.

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WoW and blizzard games in general have always had a healer fetish with how heavy their spells heal for compared to damage abilities. They balance the classes around the raid instead of balancing pvp and making the raid work after the fact.

Penance doesn’t even properly show up on my enemy caster bar, IDK if this is a problem anyone else has, but it’s annoying. So far my priest at lvl 15 is basically full healing off 1 3 second channel that also deals 99 damage which is a ton at that level especially with how little nukes are hitting for at 25.

I could take you seriously if you weren’t complaining about the damage. But it just sounds like you’re madding tbh

healing is zero sum, dps is unbounded. hps isn’t a good metric of much.

So other healers get brought more often to raid.

Druids are out healing priests not sure why you’re mad.