Penance is the scorpid poison of healing

How healing priests dodged the nerf bat this week is insane. Absolutely busted in pve and pvp. 2 penance on 1 target is impossible to kill. Wsg games are routinely decided by who has more priests.


Hello, I am a junior GM and I really appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Rest assured we will address this issue soon and take the necessary steps to fix this by nerfing Hunters a 9th time.



It is really bad.

Paladins and lock self healing need nerfs as well


Penance is literally a channeled spell. Kick it. Interrupt it. Beat on them. Focus them.

If you’re sitting there slack jawed watching the Penance go off then idk what to tell you.


This right here. A priest focused by dps wont even be able to get a full penance off.

Don’t blame the game for your low level of class spell knowledge or pvp skill.


plus they seeminly never go oom enough to not continue spamming it


This is such bunk as well. I am chain potting lesser manas and stopping for a quick sip or two in WSG and I’m still oom from dispelling, offensive dispelling, healing, etc.


easier said than done when it doesn’t show up as a cast bar, so the only way you know it’s happening is when you see the first tick come flying out, which is usually almot immediately followed by the second before you have a chance to kick. Even if only 1/3 pennance ticks goes out, its an absurd amount of healing, on what is essentially an instant cast.


Acting like it doesn’t take at least two or three people beating on your target to beat it, and then casually bragging about having the globals to dispell until oom while most healers are dead long before they get half mana.

Penance is the only casted direct heal that still heals even if interrupted, One or two ticks is enough to reset any player back to full anyways. It also costs less than renew and can be used offensively.


I’d agree that it should show up on Vanilla frames, that sounds like an oversight/bug from backporting a WOTLK spell into the Vanilla client though. However, there is a workaround with addons, you shouldn’t need them though.

I’m on my priest rn and I have decent gear. BFD trinket etc and one tick of Penance heals for 184. I’m sorry but that is a drop in the bucket when you’re getting melee swung for the same amount. (A paladin was whacking me for that amount in Ashenvale) If two decent players get on me I need a peel or some kind of intervention or it’s game over.

You can’t just give dps huge abilities and give healers nothing.

This isn’t even touching on how much more quickly tanks are taking damage in the buffed instances and BFD raid. Heal is essentially useless at a 3 sec cast time, your tank will die. Flash Heal is not enough healing and costs a fortune and that essentially leaves us with…Penance.

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Right, but I think that’s more an issue with the raid tuning then? If you NEED pennance an pom to keep up with healing in raids, and everyone ELSE is struggling to manage, then perhaps reduce the raid damage, and scale down pom and pennance to accomodate, so they aren’t just the de-facto best spells to cast any time they’re available.

Casually bragging. :roll_eyes: The reason I am able to do that, to use my class to it’s full potential, is nothing I can take credit for. I have excellent front liners who keep people busy while I do my business in the back line and peel when they realize I’m back there wreaking havoc. About the only thing I can take credit for is knowing how to position.

Also 2 ticks of Penance is healing no one to full unless your HP bar consists of exactly 368 hp lol.

This is a huge can of worms and gets into class balance and faction balance and pvp vs pve balance, etc. But to offer a small TLDR, I do not think nerfing the raids is the answer as they are fun and nerfing fun isn’t it.

Well, I mean, I would just be happy if they included pennance in the cast bars, I’m not super fond of having to download addons just to be on an even playing field

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100% fair imo. Try maybe the bug report forums? Not sure if they still have those, it def sounds like an oversight.

Penance was nerfed. 12 sec CD now, and it feels weaker. Can’t find any blue notes about nerfs.

Scorpion Pet Nerfed


Penance gets nerfed

Now hold on now…

Penance is completely busted. It should either have its mana cost increased or you could cut the healing by half and it’d still be op.


There was a wotlk talent that lowered the CD to bring it down to 10 and then the glyph brought it down to 8. We don’t have this talent or this glyph in Classic in any form currently hence the natural cooldown.

My God you people are…honestly just bad.

My priest is 25 with good gear BFD healing trinket etc. My penance ticks for 184. All 3 ticks will heal for 552. I was getting smacked by a paladin for about 140-160 a swing earlier and judgement etc did the same dmg. But it’s Penance, healing for 500 IF NOT INTERRUPTED OR PUSHED BACK, once every 12 seconds that is busted.

You’re all just bad.