[Penance AU] Open Transfers to Wild Growth US / Request for Update

I agree. Please allow us to transfer to WIld Growth!


Free Penance!

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im from wildgrowth but i agree with you guys! Free Penance!! we welcome you here!! :slight_smile: hopefully they listen

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Please allow Penance players to transfer asap. With the next phase less than a week away, it doesn’t give us much time to transfer our toons and settle into our new home. Begging Blizzard for a quick resolution to this. For a few people SoD is the last roll of the dice to keep playing WoW, if its taken away from us you may find an increase in unsubs and while we are only a small part of the whole, this is not a business model i suspect Blizzard would desire.


Multifarious is the same. We got everything prepped to transfer over.

Has the idea of war mode been looked into? Where the AU realms are merged, and Shadowstrike players can maintain their world PVP through war mode like retail has?

Stay tuned for the final decision on our FCMs.

Many Shadowstrike players also want option to move to Wild Growth as it’s lower ping. Please support


Warmode will essentially have the “insurmountable amount of code changes to make for Season of Discovery to be able to support” for the staff they have for this season.

Options included were:

1- Penance, FCMs open to Wild Growth.
a. Lots more players, lots more ping.
b. Doesn’t address Shadowstrike.
2 - Convert Shadowstrike into a PvE realm, open FCMs from Penance to Shadowstrike.
a. Penance is a very small realm, this doesn’t move the meter much.
b. Does this upset more people than it pleases? Is it also a temporary solution, the OCE player base is a fraction of the rest of US Season of Discovery, will you remain happy with the numbers?
3 - Open FCMs from both AU realms to the corresponding US realms.
a. People can choose to stay or go! This option almost certainly kills the AU realms as it splits an already small player base and you will be forced to move if you want to play with anyone.

I would recommend those involved pop over to that thread to share their thoughts.

Free penance


I play on Horde-side Penance and can confirm that the description of our server by GarnetHound as “no longer sustains actual group play” is unfortunately accurate.

Through the heroic efforts of several guilds’ officers working together we have been able to maintain several raid teams running MC but outside of that finding groups for completing group content like getting Onyxia attunements completed for those who missed out on the initial rush is difficult and becoming more difficult each week.

Our guild and all others I interact with had cleared their mail queues, stocked all their alts with 18-slot bags to hold our stuff and packed up for the FCMs to Wild Growth optimistic that this would address many of our issues and allow us to once again partake of regular dungeon groups and all the other parts of the game which are out of reach on such a low population realm.

Please consider opening Penance for FCMs to Wild Growth as originally announced.


Free Penance.

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Please allow those who want to utilise the FCM to move to Wild Growth - then those who want to stay, can stay and those who want to move, can. Each then has the freedom to live out their Classic WOW the way that they wanted.

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Keep ban on GDKP’s and Free Penance.


I completely understand what Blizz is stating but surely if I am flagged for pvp I get put onto layer 1, if I’m not flagged for pvp I get put on layer 2 is possible. There may be issues with grouping with people with differing PVP flags, but this can be resolved in 5 mins by unflagging pvp or flagging pvp.
In any case I do not think the course of action to merge Penance with Shadowstrike is viable speaking as a person who rerolled on Penance from Shadowstrike due to a multitude of issues not just around clear griefing (60s patrolling Redridge and constantly killing people leveling alts etc.) tactics but degen topics being talked about in lookingforgroup chat and just a general hostile environment with pugs.
Shadowstrike have gotten themselves into this mess being an unviable place for people to do content and now want to hold everyone in OCE hostage to see if this environment they have made for themselves will grow… news flash it won’t. I will NEVER roll on a PVP OCE server again and I know I share that sentiment with many others.
It’s time to acknowledge that OCE does not have enough WOW gamers to support seasonal servers or even classic in general as it stands right now to have dedicated OCE servers and the Devs know this and made a good decision and then as usual with every SOD good idea makes a mess of it by listening to the few complaining.
It is obvious that Penance needs to move to WG ASAP, I’m sure Blizz has heard this loud and clear. Shadowstrike on the other hand… yeah good luck to all of you and I hope it works out, otherwise WG will welcome you Horde side and I am happy to run you through dungeons to get you raiding again ASAP!


Penance is waiting for that next announcement please. Even if transfers can’t start until next reset we just want a final decision made.

Update: Decision has been made! Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

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