Penalty for those ganking loser

Doesnt matter, the guards actually truck lmao

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It was my only character back then, I’m sorry for being new to the game in wotlk will you please forgive me?


imagine how many lowbies are going to have warmode on once the threat of max levels is all but forgotten.



Agreed and Pavle is the type of player that makes warmode fun because quite often, those just like him arrogantly assume they will win with their gear or whatever and end up getting owned 1v1.

It’s great to beat players who enjoy the grief of others so the contrast of social styles in the game make for great “interactions” :slight_smile:

The reason people who gank low level players are so weak is they’re looking for advantage rather than looking for a even fight that challenges their skills and makes them better players. Good WPvP players look for even combat and they do exist but aren’t as common as they once were I think due to sharding and loss of server rivalries.


I gank low levels to lure the 120s out so I can kill em.

Even combat is not “challenging my skills.” I win most of my 1v1s. I “challenge my skills” through 1v2s or 1v3s (I cant do 1v4s yet unfortunately).


I think most decent players feel and speak the way “we” do :slight_smile:

Ret is a great class for world PVP as well.

Take care!

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Except I never see people dueling in front stormwind or goldshire anymore and not many in front of org.

There are many reasons to go ganking, my personal favorite is when jumping between the faction and gank both sides to spark a zone war.

However most of the people that say we just do it because we suck at max lvl is usually at most a 1000 rating under me, or never even reached 2k before.
So :man_shrugging:

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It’ s a combination of what you said and what he said. Some do it because they don’t care or want a fair fight and want to “highfive” each other for killing people 5v1, while others, who are great at PVP, do it for trolling and to expose the max levelers who think they are better than they are.

One thing though. Not everyone enjoys rated arena and simply don’t play it pretty much ever. World PVP can be a different bag and of course, geared and rated players can do well, there are some solid examples of those who prepare and do amazing and don’t care about rating.

Just saying :slight_smile:

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Not talking in just arena either

Or you could just war mode in a max level area if you really want to fight max level players. With sharding it’s not like they’ll jump on their max level to fight you. I guess whatever you need to tell yourself.

Timestamp conversation seems appropriate. 14:01 if link doesn’t work properly.

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i don’t assume anything. i don’t mind dying. if i think I have at least a 1/5 chance to win I go for it. Half the time I die on purpose.


Turn off War mode then you cry baby. I gank noobs on weekends with bourbon in my hand. Don’t like it, click the button. Welcome to old WoW.