Penalty for leaving mythic plus

Correct - the amount of time I’ve wasted in sub par fail groups is terrrible and not something to be proud of. It’s why I cut and run when it looks crap.

They already have a system in place to compensate players. Your key goes down a level and you can level it back up

But leaving 100 groups? Like really?

I dearly hope you’re exaggerating.

Yep - easy. With limited loot drops in m+ now it’s not worth staying for fail groups that may or may not finish.

So let me get this straight. If you’re in a +15 ToP run and wiped ONCE on Gorechop after killing 1st boss, Xav, Kul’Tharok, 100% of the mobs killed and Mordretha is just around the corner.

You’d leave?

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If everything was smooth in a run upto 90% of
The way through the run of course I don’t leave.

If it’s a cluster in the first 0-30% ie lead up to and including the first boss then I’m gone.

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Green Light.

Most quits happen early, well before the halfway point even. If it’s going that poorly that early, there’s no shame in just calling it. Somewhere along the line it became a sin to admit that some runs shouldn’t be finished.


It’s actually worse than that, these guys seem to imply that we “owe” our time to total strangers :joy:

Of course, that’s a silly/absurd notion on it’s face.

But some of these GD’ers man, they just keep rehashing the “leavers” thing no matter how many times it gets (re-)explained to them :popcorn:

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Probably because the one who currently suffers the most is the keyholder with their downgraded key.

Thus I shall say again, down with the downgrades! Lol (Or at least give a key 2 attempts/charges for completion)

Maybe it’s considered a sin because it’s a unilateral decision one elitist forces on everyone else after THEY signed up for this group.

I don’t think anyone gets mad if the group decides together it’s not going to work and to cut their losses.

Could it possibly be a YOU issue rather than the group you are in?

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Your posts comes off as very condescending.

I have to think that even the keyholder doesn’t want to sit in a forever key. Whatever key he or she has just isn’t all that unique. There must be 10 of every dungeon and key level being run at any given time. The air doesn’t really start to thin out until around 17 or 18.

Never give up! Never surrender! We’re finishing this key if it takes till reset!


I like how you simultaneously throw out terms like forever keys, and at the same time state most people leave in the first 30% of the dungeon.

By all means if a key is that bad, leave. As long as you aren’t making a habit of it, you’ll be fine. But a downside to ditching the key for you WILL change what you consider a, “forever key,”

You don’t pay my sub. Therefore you don’t get a day in what I will and won’t stick to

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No but Blizzard does. And I pay Blizzard.

So do I. So that’s a moot argument.

It’s not. Because Blizzard would rather lose you than the 400 people you admit you ditched on.