Pelagos. Is Transgender

4chan, famously tolerant of ideas that they don’t agree with.


Welcome to clown world.

It was CNNs fault anyway, they tried to ban a meme some random user did there and they got hit with a blitzkrieg of memes they were forced to shut down all their chat rooms and such.

It lasted for months.


Yet, you’re free to share your ideas there without getting banned or censored.


This is something more. They just ran with KEK and the ok sign being racist. We have broken the bonds of clown world and entered outer clown space.

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I gave up 40 comments in.
This applies to everyone.
Youre not a clown youre the whole circus.

Reread what you’ve said and reevaluate yourselves.

You wanna know what people really and truly think? Just go there. Even if it is harsh.

Paul Joseph Wattson, as bombastic as he is, he was right about this

I’m honestly just a little bummed. I wanted to actually talk to Frostera and instead all that happened.

Whatever I put em on ignore for a month.

No you’re not. Every board has stuff you’re not allowed to post.

They literally had to make a board to stop far right chuds ruining every thread.

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And you are our Dumbo

I’m not here to really make friends. Just basically voice my opinions within boundaries.

Oh, I forgot about the OK sign. There’s actual “expert” groups out there that still lists that as “hate symbols”. They have no clue that it was a prank, like Tide pods.

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I dont know what side youre on as I didnt memorise but im pro trans rights.
Look at the thread again though and say that at least one side is civilised

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Nah, the racist twerps just can’t get past all their secret squirrel antics, like hand signs and what not to try and pretend they’re all cool and sophisticated. But just like back in the 40’s when Superman took them on, it’s just a whole bunch of laughable childish nonsense.

Oh wow, some prison planet schmuck? That’s great, have any flat earthers too?

I’ve got no tolerance for the intolerant.
I’ve got no tolerance for ignorance.


Tell me something I haven’t heard a thousand times.

4chan is one board. Also a known hacker…

Decided to check the chans rq since you brought it up. read four posts before I saw the n-word. The literal first post had a homophobic slur. Yes, 4chan truly is a lovely place full of great political discourse.

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If youre intolerant of the intolerant then you hate yourself no?

Telling about what they think people are really like

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