Pelagos. Is Transgender

Do I need to when you pull the “Well you people just aren’t worth it, I’m going to take my big brain and go home” and then keep coming back

Translation: I realized that I backed myself in a corner and repeatedly made myself look like a hypocrite and someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. So now I’m going to try some more victim playing even though I called people fascists without realizing what I was talking about.

Heh, don’t flatter yourself.

I’ve never seen this before and that was hilarious!

You started talking to me by calling me a Fascist.

For telling someone that the Freedom of Speech protects form the Government retaliating not from someone else commenting on their opinion.


Or they’ll have to remind you that you can’t even get what fascism is right again.

Why are you bothering with these folks? They’re just going to get smashed to oblivion in a couple months anyway politically.

For those who think everything is a real life threat.

I’ll have you know I don’t drink.


I would say hella gaslighting even bro

genuine question.
I’m watching hairspray right now.
Is Tracy’s mother transphobic?

googled Hm. Not picking anything up

its a female role always played by a man.
I know of some versions who feel they are progressive by changing it

If these conservatives project any harder I’m going to have to shove a lightbulb up their :scream:.

Ah in that case I would still say no. Musical Theater usually goes with “Yo if you can sing the songs and dance the dances you good”

Wow, flagged already. Yet who are the ones triggered again?

Abusing the flag system is punishable you know.

Are your feefees hurt?

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Their sexual or personal orientation doesn’t matter. They are a person. Nothing to freak out about. Blizzard is also probably only putting this is for the publicity cred.

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Naaaah, you guys are just too predictable.

So is trolling.

I feel that way but wasn’t sure if it treated trans as a joke by making a more masculine bigger built woman played by a man

I’m trolling? Or do you just not like my comment? That literally falls in line with what the topic was?