Pelagos. Is Transgender

It was removing from streaming for displaying a positive portrayal of a police officer.

Iā€™m just waiting to get called a christian or a conservative. I know itā€™s coming.

I imagine they decided the barbershop gender change option after they had written Pelagos.

Also itā€™s unclear how much of the barbershop is canon vs. Gameplay option.

Itā€™s actually not. Scroll up, I provided an actual definition of fascism.

Despite the massive overuse of it in this thread, it hasnā€™t once been used correctly. Fascism refers to a specific political ideology and system.


bro, youā€™ve used this term about 100 times in this thread. And all those times have been the wrong definition.

This guy gets it.



And if you wanna talk authoritarian tendencies, how does lying about the socially powerless minorities attacking things loved by ā€˜normalā€™ people in order to ignite outrage about them lie on that scale?

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Iā€™ve explained why I think their behavior is fascist. Can you do the same with mine? I bet you canā€™t. Go ahead, explain how any if what Iā€™ve said makes me a fascist.

Iā€™ve listened tolerantly, ignored insults, and said nothing hateful. I have, however, been attacked by the usual crew.

Curiously though none of the attacks are specific, and you canā€™t point to anything. All you can do is yell fascist.

I presented my case. You guys responded with insults, put me in the wrong political party, and questioned my character.

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And you keep using it incorrectly every single time.


Right? This dude could be sitting there watching the blackshirts match on Rome then walk away because they didnā€™t tell him to stop being transphobic.

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I understand but really, die and finally be happy with the body you want leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You can sugarcoat it all you want but other alternatives exist, this world is full of magic after all.

Iā€™m aware Iā€™m just messing with a guyā€™s flimsy idea of what a fascist is.

Yes because they labeled someone as something. Which ironically per your wrong definition makes you a fascist.

You started trying to call people fascist in your second or third post donā€™t play those games with me :rofl:

Remember how I mentioned language? You just accused me of lying.

Letā€™s say Iā€™m wrong. Letā€™s say the show was never removed. The possibility that I might be wrong never occurs to you, because in your head Iā€™m pushing some terrible agenda. I must be lying.

Calls were made to pull the show from streaming, and the article I read said that Hulu had removed it.

Even if youā€™re right that it wasnā€™t pulled the fact that they seriously tried is highly concerning. Censorship is wrong.

Why canā€™t you talk to people like maybe we have somethings in common and arenā€™t enemies?

This is exactly what I mean about intolerance.


you fake woke noobs tryin to get your likes and viewsā€¦

we were accepting Budd way back in Cataclysm.

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The fact that this is controversial sickens me. But the fact that really blizz? Pelagos had to die to become happy with his body?!

Yeah, what message is that sending to the remaining 59%?

We know little about the world Pelagos comes from. Perhaps it wasnā€™t available.

Who cares how he gets his male body though? Iā€™m glad he gets to be himself in the end.

Did you just call someone else intolerant? How very fascist of you.

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And language is why I donā€™t care about your outrage. Youā€™re using the language of the authoritarian. Youā€™re labeling the normal evolution of language where terms created as acceptable hatred no longer remain acceptable and society relegates them to the dust bin as some sort of tyrannical move made by a shadowy force to oppress the majority. You keep pushing the narrative that marginalized groups have some mystical power to oppress the majority, rather than just accept that society always changes and at times it tends towards justice.

Also you ranted seemingly unironically about post modernism.


Iā€™ve been called a liar, a snowflake, a bigot, and a fascist in this thread. I still havenā€™t insulted anyone.

Obviously Iā€™m the fascist.

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Sorry friend, you were calling people fascists before anyone else even insulted. Donā€™t try that buddy.

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