Pelagos. Is Transgender

Why do these types of threads always get so many replies? :thinking:


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Because the conservative snowflakes can’t handle LGBT characters.


Banning trans people from enlisting unless they enlist as their biological sex is still a ban :man_shrugging:

The direct reason Trump gave was that it was a tremendous cost to treat service members for gender dysphoria, despite the fact that the US military spends substantially more on medication to treat erectile dysfunction lmao.


Explaining that a law exists doesn’t mean i support it. This is why we can’t take you seriously. I point out something’s existence, and you assume I’m excusing the policy. No. Just no.

I’m not. But the fact is that trans people can serve, and that after 18 months they can do it as their new gender. I don’t defend that practice, but it’s a hell of a long way from the don’t ask don’t tell crap in the 90s.

Why is admitting there’s been progress such a sin to you people? We have a long way to go, but things are improving. The fact that me clarifying FACTS makes me the enemy is appalling.

Go read the Wikipedia page, then you too will be a bigot because you’ve read heretical information.


This bit is still accurate.

Conservatives: “Unlike you snowflake, I am not so easily triggered.”
Also conservatives: “NoOoOoO y DiD dEy MaKe A tRaNs AnGeL???”


Like 10 or 100 times more on ED pills.

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And into the insults like clockwork.


You’re whining about Paw Patrol.

And when they aren’t getting what they want they pretend to try to be reasonable and tell everyone to stop being mean to them.

Here’s a great example of it right here!

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Trump is a bigot.

So calling you out for insults when I haven’t resorted to them makes me a snowflake? I’m not even a conservative, but don’t let that interfere with your straw man.


So when you speak it’s tolerant, but when I speak it’s whining. Huh.

Yes what happened with Paw Patrol was disgusting censorship.

Hey, if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck.

Or: If you don’t want to be called out as a bigot, don’t use all their buzzwords in a whine.

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They can still enlist though.

You can’t do drugs either or they kick you out. You can’t even go beyond 500 miles from base on a 4-day weekend without approval (technically). I’ve even had to conduct vehicle safety inspections for my guys before. If they don’t pass, they can’t go anywhere. None of which, required to know their sexual kinks. Everyone is equal, there are no individuals. (again, Air Force doesn’t count)

Did you read what the other guy posted? 1/5th of the trans community are veterans. Are you saying they were “cured” or something? lol Though, I’d love to know which branch. And were they trans before or after service (they never mention that).

they could have at least put him in a covenant that people will actually join. also the fact that he had to die in order to be happy is really tasteless blizz, gender change will just cost gold surely a better explanation(like a mage turning him) would be less inappropriate

It’s sad that you incapable of critical thinking. Maybe try reading my actual positions instead of deciding I sound like a conservative so you already know all you need to know.

I repeat…your behavior has all the hallmarks of fascism. Incorrectly label me as the group you hate, and then attack, without ever once trying to understand my point of view.


No it doesn’t.

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What happened to paw patrol?

Like I said before claiming others are fascist is just you being the pot calling the kettle black.

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