Has anyone tried it? Thoughts?
It’s not that bad. It’s pretty good actually!
Can’t say I’m a terribly big fan of either in their standalone form, so I’m not sure combining the two would change that.
Coke > Bepis
Both Coke Cherry and wild cherry Pepsi are okay by me
I don’t know how I feel about that. I imagine it would be good cause marshmallow flavor + pepsi.
It’s not really bad has more of a roast marshmallow flavor. I will actually buy more unlike some of those weird ones.
I had that cinnamon pepsi when they made it.
Not the best thing to drink in a hot garage changing oil and tires…
Bruh that sounds amazing I want to try it
It’s real? I thought it was a meme, lmao.
It’s very real, and pretty good I might add!
Syrupy Sodas are a good way to get gall stones. If you’ve never had to deal with one, they’re Not Fun. Think xenomorph baby chewing its way out of your stomach levels of not fun.
The vendor gave me ones yesterday, it honestly is just vanilla Pepsi.
That sounds like the quickest path to cancer.
Yeah had those before. I swear some of them you can feel the “pop” sensation once the dang thing finally passes
No, peeps-flavored anything is disgusting
I misread the title and thought a new Pepe just dropped.
the jokes on you… i don’t have a gallbladder.
i want to try these drinks because they look pretty!!
(but i live half a world away, and have no idea what a peep tastes like)
I really don’t need my pepsi to taste like sugar-coated marshmallows. The pepsi is enough diabetes already.