Peanuts for everyone! šŸ„œ

I donā€™t work for peanuts!!

But Iā€™ll take free ones all day :wink:

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Hope you have an unlimited supply of peanuts should any Draenei show up with their Elekk mount.

/uses geiger counter on peanuts

I didnā€™t even think about putting sprinkles on them! I feel ashamed now.

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Butā€¦ butā€¦ you are the sprinkle master!



For cookies and ice cream yes but I just never thought about it for peanuts, itā€™s a shame I know. Iā€™ll never forget this sin I did.


Well I think we have all enjoyed a bag of nice salty peanuts from time to time. Take it from me though - donā€™t shove too many in your mouth at once because you might choke on all those peanuts. Peanuts taste especially good after a night of drinking and dancing to cheesy euro-disco music.

I donā€™t know what this isā€¦ but now I want to.

Grabs more peanuts and throws the shells on the floor for others to slip on. (takes a seat in the back to watch the slippageā€¦) muhahaha

Stop littering my thread you evil female blood elf priest!!!

Chews peanuts super slow and methodically while pondering your requestā€¦ and then throws the shells on the floor for you to slip on!!! Muhahahaha

Thatā€™s it!
Cast chaos bolt at Evelolyn
Evelolyn dies
I told you! And now your dead because you wouldnā€™t listen!

Umā€¦ I bubbledā€¦ Helloooooooo

did you just slip on a shell? Muhahahaha

Yeah free peanuts. Time to munch on them. :peanuts:

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While using camouflage toss peanut shells here and there.

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Now try to recognize this threadā€¦ covered in peanut shells!! mwahahahaha

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Youā€™re still dead, though youā€™re rambling and talking as a spirit. My chaos bolt goes through everything, including bubbles, shells, spell reflects, everything. And Iā€™m immune to CC and all other similar effects. The only way to not get hit is to outrun me and run far away.
Clearly you havenā€™t heard of the legends of Jaquestiney, Hero of Azeroth, the one chaos bolt warlock. But now you do, even though you died from that legendary warlock.

Thanks, I had clicked on the wrong thread before, and it made my head hurt. I need a snack.

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You must have banged your head when you slipped on my peanut shellā€¦ You are a Death Knight. Say it with meā€¦ deeeaaattthhhh kniiiigggghhhhtttt! :stuck_out_tongue:

No, Iā€™m definitely a warlock. Itā€™s just the forum workers are trying to sabotage my image. Theyā€™re trying to portray me as something Iā€™m not.

I heard there was peanut flavored popcorn in this threadā€¦ or was it popcorn flavored peanuts?

uhmmmmmā€¦ likely story!