Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

So what youā€™re saying is that, in our capitalist system, it has been made too expensive for you to learn how to live the life you want?

How fascinating!

Youā€™ll find that people on the Left have historically cared about workers. Socialists and Communists are why we have worker protections, wage protections and standard workweeks in pretty much every Western country. Leftists in America are fighting to ensure everyone has healthcare, a living wage, affordable housing and affordable education. What are the people on the Right doing again?

I honestly just despise ignorance and people who literally try to prop up their positions with lies and easily disprovable BS. They forget that the tax rate, when the country as a whole was doing its best, averaged between 70% and 90% for the top earners/corporations.

Oh look, another uneducated Capitalist who canā€™t even do the tiniest bit of research regarding the CoL increases associated with wage increases. How shocking!

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A job and a wage are not a human right. You need to earn your way.

You choose not to go to college? Fine, thatā€™s a legit choice but donā€™t expect lots of salary.

You do a job that requires no skill and can be replaced by a robot? Sorry, you arenā€™t going to be paid much.

You get out what you put in.


Not trying to silence anyone. Just voicing my distaste for hypocrisy. People can say whatever they want, iā€™m just not forced to like it.

Can we just point out that if we are to believe such statements the beautiful irony of your guild name ā€œassisted livingā€.

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I enjoyed that, too.

Knowledge: I donā€™t know how to live off the land
Money: I donā€™t have the money (or knowledge of reputable places) to pay for someone with the knowledge to teach me.

Oh look another entitled zero who thinks they should be supported by others

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How do you know he doesnt?
Iā€™ll give you an example.
Back when I worked a mental health facility, I received a 2% wage increase, escalating to 20% depending on how many years/experience/quality of my workmanship.
I received a whoppingā€¦$1.80.
That is about an extra 3k?

Now mind you, this was before i became a licensed medical professional, but that salary I was earning was bad.
More than likely the 50 cent increase was mandated in some way the same way my wage increased at the time was mandated.

Soā€¦people asking for a wage to ensure they have a decent life is entitlement?
It is amazing how much people such as yourself, will defend rich millionaires, solely because theyā€™re worried about how they might need to pay moreā€¦


Weird how those ones are some of the most essential, though.


Meh, my quality of life is great in this country. I donā€™t want it ruined by socialism and communism.

All the more reason to build robots for it.

Well in a way your rightā€¦but also the employee has some responsibility in thisā€¦no one is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to work thereā€¦

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I donā€™t! Thatā€™s why I said

How do I know he deserves more than a 50 cent raise?


I need ALL the information.

Its essential but can be done by literally anyone. Source : 7 Years at Tim Hortons. Once i got my cards for my trade my salary is jumping by $10 an hour for a reason, and its just a Trade.

Oh boy youā€™re naive if thatā€™s how you feel the real world works.

Entitled because I want the richest country in the world to provide basic rights that pretty much every single other industrialized nation can? Maybe you should stop bootlicking the wealthy who would literally walk over your dying, starving body if they saw it in the street because I guarantee that you donā€™t even make 6 figures a year.

How funny that is, considering you have Socialism and Communism to thank for most of the good things in this country.


Nerf all the CEOs
This is way too unbalanced

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So what do you do with all of the employees? Are there suddenly 30 million more spots open for doctors and engineers? How does one get the education to become a ā€œmore importantā€ worker when the entry-level jobs are handled by robots?

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I donā€™t know in the US, but here in Canada pretty much every essential trade is STARVED for employees.

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