Pay to win

List of things you can pay for and blizzard supports:

pvp rating
ahead of the curve
cutting edge
mythic mounts
max ilvl gear
mythic dungeons

Pay to win game!


Just like any other game out there. Name at least one multyplayer game which is not p2w ?


Hey there we go. The “whataboutisms” have already begun!


What a new and exciting topic that has never been discussed :roll_eyes:


op def did not pay


Usual reminder some made lots of money in wod and legion literally phoning it in so…lets see the numbers of the people who just have 5 million from this and go well…what the hell else can I buy, right?

Side note 5 million from legion phone in tables with half a brain in the AH is nice seed money to make other passive gold. How I make money in eve. several billion in the wallet…lets see what market trends I can bank on.

Hell one patch drop I made over 10 billion isk. Hard work too. I…went to jita and bought 4 to 5 billion of stuff. Stored it in the same station I bought it. Patch hit. Sold it for 10 billion. 5 billion isk net profit from 10 bil gross for not even 10 minutes of work.

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and ? what’s your point exactly ?

There is a difference between supporting something and not stopping it because it because it doesn’t violate any rules.


You still have to run the content though and in the case of gear hope what you want actually drops.

There is no way to prevent it. Gold exists so you can buy things with it and trade with other players. Services included. You can delete tokens and nothing would change.

Blizz can’t strike people for spending gold and running content, which is just playing the game.


Starcraft. Starcraft 2. Warcraft 2. Warcraft 3. Diablo. Diablo 2. Diablo 3 (post ah removal). Overwatch. Heroes of the Storm. Just to start with blizzard products.

How about Left 4 Dead, or for the most part Team Fortress 2. It’s been a while but I recall Destiny 2s store, as disgusting as it was, was purely cosmetic. Counterstrike and Day of Defeat weren’t back when I used to played them. Smash Bros certainly isn’t. Splatoon, Splatoon 2…

There’s a bunch of multiplayer games off the top of my head. I know there’s way more than that but you’ve caught me while I’m isolated away from my PC.


I can buy rating in all of those games.


Not through in-game channels, you can’t.


I mean yeah you can pay for all that you mentioned, yet it only really matters to the ones that are completionists. In which it’s very obvious and easy to identify who did and didn’t get boosted. Like for instance if they haven’t every single 20 in time for a single week with little to no other keys done. Having CE with extremely low parses, with each kill being done on the same day. Same with PvP to where they have a low number of matches yet a high CR score.

It’s one thing to buy achievements, yet practically if you look at their parses and so forth. It’s easy to spot who did and didn’t work for it. Along with ALL MMOs have some form of boosting to them given if there is anything trade able. Players will use either cuurrency or in game items to compensate for a boost service.

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New World takes a stance in opposition of pay to win, so.


I guess maybe I don’t understand what pay to win means anymore.

I always understood “pay to win” as the ability to pay real money for power that cannot otherwise be obtained for free. That means that a player who does not pay for that superior power will always be inferior to a player that does.

None of the things the OP mentioned fits that description.

I dunno if maybe the definition of pay to win has evolved and I just haven’t been keeping up.


This is correct, but some people don’t get it and this is why you see this posts. I know that many people don’t like the spam that this created in game chat and I don’t like that as well, but there is nothing we can do about it sadly.

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making the gold and using it to win is part of the game.


That is the logical definition of pay to win. But since there is no definition from an official source, GD typically just makes up whatever definition meets their agenda.

WoW is definitely pay for convenience, but not pay to win.


Its become some vague multiheaded beast thing. and we all pick a head to listen too.

See I’d have P2W like you. the item of ultimate power. In the store…for 5.99 (states x,yz, will by law add sales tax). with this item I can be very bad, drunk as hell and if in a legal state enjoying my purchase of a specia herb…and still be owning the place.

Wow…no. I can spend 2000 dollar (US) and still suck at shaman. Gear is not my issue with shaman. I don’t really like them. Ergo I don’t really care to get better at them.

At this point I fire the one I have to go you know…the ocd says there are some legacy mail mogs only they get soo…yeah, suffer, but run the shaman in ICC lol. Arthas does not test my skills. slap him around…go watch youtube for the 5 minutes it takes for his monologue to death scene.

Veering off-topic, but I’m interested to see how long that lasts. I’ve never known a service Amazon wouldn’t exploit to make a buck.