Gold only boosts and tokens are not a problem

I think that we should go the other way with it. We should allow boosts but ONLY for free and ONLY for gnomes!


Not quite. I know many players from my guild are now trying New World and FF outside of our scheduled progression raids, and even than we are finding it hard to get our raids going some days. I hope 9.1.5 brings them back in some capacity because that’s not good.

For as long as I have been here, aside from when I took breaks for personal reasons, I’ve been raiding and only once ever during a few weeks period my guild struggled to find 20 people for raid. At one point we have had three raid groups going.

Everything that happens has a flow on effect. Say 50% of the players have stopped playing outside of raids because there is nothing to do due to a slow release of content, than that’s 50% of players who are no longer in the overworld and for many that makes the game feel empty, plain, boring and for those who don’t raid or do keys, they leave.

Personally I don’t care, that just means the rares that drop mounts will be up more often for my own gains, but it doesn’t work that way. There are at least two universal things every player in WoW needs and if we don’t get them than the game dies and without players, we don’t get what we need.

For any active player we need servers that make the game run and content. And if players weren’t playing, and paying, than we would not get either of those and even players like myself who does everything in guild, I can’t play if there are no servers to play on. I need as many players to stick around playing as much as anyone else does.

We need 9.1.5 to be released ASAP, we need this whole gold selling thing to be sorted ASAP, we need players wishes to be fulfilled, like having a Dreanai druid as an option, or to remove factions in some manner, or to open transmog restrictions or whatever it is, if enough players are asking for it than they need to make it happen to appease and ensure we retain as many players as we can.

Gold only boosts are not a problem unless the groups that are selling the boosts are selling the gold for real money. Which I’ve heard is what a lot of the PvP groups that are selling boosts are doing.

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Again, GD does not represent the majority of the player base. Maybe the majority of the whiners, but not the active playing majority of WoW.


It will eventually regardless. “No king rules forever” type of thing

Boosters no boosting

Real money transactions that can bypass character development, be it gear, leveling, etc… have no place in a RPG. That’s my philosophy.

I never liked the token. I was indifferent on the cosmetic shop because I do understand that the company exists to make a buck, and those things never influenced the feel of the gameplay.

I don’t like games that sell EXP boosts, because then the leveling process is designed to promote those boosts.
I don’t like games that sell gold in their shop, because then gold has a real world value and earning it in game loses value, unless you are able to earn very large sums in short periods of time, which is rare.

For all it’s worth, right now, if WoW decided to just put the AOTC and CE achievements on their shop, or if they sold a loot box containing a random piece of the highest end gear, it’d be no different than being able to spend real money on gold and then using that gold to buy those things in game.

Heck, they might as well at this point. Why include the tediousness of having to log in, arrange a transaction and AFK for the duration of the content? Just allow us to buy the things outright. Become the mobile game design WoW is heading toward.

Candy Crush: WoW.

If there’s a wall in your way, slip it a dollar and it goes away.


You may as well just leave yourself with that attitude. You may think appeasing everyone is not the answer, and personally I only need about 40 people from my guild to play the game the way I play, but who do you think pays for the servers? Everyone else who I don’t care about pays their share to ensure we can all keep playing.

the biggest lie ever told was that modern wow is an RPG, it’s an action game that early on was an RPG but devolved/evolved depending on your perspective into an action game.

First I’d like to say thank you for being nice about your views on the game, you don’t really get that much around here anymore.

But I have to disagree with this because the token isn’t generating things from nowhere, it’s allowing the transaction of gold from one person to the other, the gold is still 100% generated in game.

I highly doubt they will ever add what some people consider a real P2W option in this game, like adding an AOTC to the store, or a nice shiny orange weapon, because things like that will generate power and wealth from nothing and that really will hurt the game.

So, because I don’t agree with your “the world is ending” mentality, I should leave? Thinking in only absolutes typically serves to cause problems, not solve them.

Again, who you’re referring to is GD, which is not a majority in regards to the active playerbase.

You mean the people that simply play the game, and don’t come to GD to whine? Yes, I would agree that they are in fact the ones who help pay the majority of the bills.

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it is a problem though.

it creates a social problem in the game that strongly discourages players from participating in the world and group content. that social problem then in turn creates a much higher, more costly, and more frustrating barrier to entry for everybody else outside of guilds or who are looking to make friends and progress their toons. It’s not that it’s impossible it’s just way harder because these boosts exist in the first place.

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If we stopped talking about things when the horse died, GD would be empty!

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So no different to what we have now?


The vile forsaken still need to lick up whats left like the filthy creatures they are

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I prefer civilized discussions. Even in feral areas like online forums.

I suppose the big difference here is you feel that the token circulates well with the in-game economy. I don’t personally care about that.

My feelings on the matter is if I spend enough $20 bills, I can get anything in this game without ever actually putting effort into it. It severely undermines the effort itself.

I see absolutely no difference between paying money for gold and then using that gold to buy achievements or gear, and simply buying the achievements and gear on the AH. In my mind, this game has already become “pay to win” like every other F2P MMO out there.

The only difference is they masquerade it as something different because there’s a currency exchange involved.

I can utilize my disposable income and turn it into online rewards whenever I wish. Oddly, that ruined the flavor of the game for me. I learned with the introduction of this token that perhaps I just wasn’t as into the journey as I thought I was, that it was a combination of the journey and the reward that drove me to continue playing.

But now I can just buy the reward, so why work on a video game for it when I can spend more effort in my career and get the in-game reward? Actually, this is a win on my part. Or at least, it sounds like it should be.

My career is doing much better, but now I’m rarely even logging into WoW. That’s certainly not on the token alone, but it’s a big factor. I’d likely still be raiding just to hold a healer spot for that AOTC mount at the end of an expac. But maybe I’ll just spend $20 on it if I’m still around.

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Why though do people buy to begin with? Some can’t do the group content, some just don’t have the skill for it, they don’t have enough friends or guildies who can do it, they don’t have the time to sift through LFG and find the runs they are after.

Selling became a thing for two main reasons, players who can’t do it for the above reasons and to allow players to bypass the lower content so they can do something they want to do, like higher end content.

I have pugged maybe a dozen runs this entire expansion, it’s just not worth my time, and if I didn’t have my guild I would for sure look at the option to buy boosts otherwise I would never get enough gear or stats to play at a higher level and therefore probably not even play because pugging lower keys and raids is a nightmare.

What we have now is a few LFG advertisements and some chat spam, what we will end up getting are in game mail, in game whispers and a thousand players who will /yell with their advertising. On top of that trade chat will end up much worse than it is now.

Be thankful you no longer have the in game mail and whisper spam happening.

and therein lies the flaw in your argument that boosts are not a problem. if pugging is not worth your time or effort, that is a social design and game design problem that should be answered with something other than real life cash.

the availability of these boosts undermines design philosophy on an MMO and the actual ‘problem’ is that the content is not worth the effort. You just said it yourself. That problem exists because of boosts. blizzard should look to fix in game systems that help with these underlying issues instead of opening shop and creating a market to cash in on people who are having these troubles.

It would make for a better game.

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Wow, this really is the new hot topic. Okay, I’ll play. Again.

It is a problem and these are the reasons it is a problem:

A) It break the integrity of the game.
Titles, mount, achievement are framed in the game as items to be earned, not bought. When you buy them, you are breaking the frame, and therefore the integrity, of the game.

B) It is unethical.
It’s like me paying my grandson RL money to give me Boardwalk in Monopoly. It is corrupt behaviour based on a corrupt ideology that money should entitle people to anything they want. (Which is what led to the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal.)

C) It is dishonest.
Since the in-game framing is that those items are earned, it makes it look like the buyer earned them when they did not.

D) It casts doubt on, tarnishing, rewards earned legitimately.

Now I don’t have any of those things and probably never will but that doesn’t mean I can’t look at this behaviour and see it is a corruption of the game.

And sad because if folks are willing to sell out their integrity for a title in a game, they must be easily corrupted for real rewards in RL and last thing the world needs right now is more ethically-challenged people.

But adding the token didn’t combat the issue, it legitimized it.

And you could have just added you thoughts to this already in progress thread on the same subject:

Or this one:

Or this one, that you also started:


The WoW token most certainly is an issue.

Can we just get a gen discussion run, composed entirely of gnomes? Only gnomes with pink hair?

Cause that would be fun.