Pay to win game

They have done this every tier.

Where were you then?

Or when limit faction changes for AOO?

And actual BiS is 475 gear with the same corruptions.

Buying lower item level items for corruption is mass spending to get things as quick as possible, but aren’t even BiS. Just something you can do since so few 475 drops have occurred yet.

To me the complaints seem more aimed at WoW token itself existing rather than any BoE gear.

that’s pay to win to get the item

you are wrong :expressionless: in pvp the player scales to the other players ilvl, people are winning matches in seconds due to procs. when cor gear came out a 415 war was doing the same dps as me at 448 or higher due to stars 3 it was 60 % of his dps.

when is the last time they gave a single item that was droppable and tradeable purchased with gold that was 40 % of someones dps that can one shot players in pvp

No I’m not. If a person is rich, like 1% rich, and they do all that, they won’t be able to do anything.

While ilvl is more important than skill these days, it does not eclipse it 100%

Never because even the best corruptions aren’t that much, are getting nerfed even further on Tuesday, and aren’t actually BiS because you can get the same corruptions on 475 gear there just isn’t much available yet.

And it’s peer to peer selling, not Blizz selling them in a shop.

You sound more against the WoW token then strong BoE gear.

so you are saying it takes skill to avoid a random proc?

This can’t possibly be further from the truth in this game.

people are wearing 420 gear with corruption over the mythic chest 475 bc it is 1 to 2k more dps

I’ll answer with another question. Could someone who has never played WoW buy top of the line BOE gear and win a duel against a skilled player?

If the answer is no, it’s not P2W

Which aspect do you disagree with?

And it would be way stronger if that same corruption was on a 475 item not a 420. That would actually be BiS.

Right now if you are running rank 3s you get 1 or 2 item that can be stronger IF it has a great corruption and you don’t have a great one yet on a stronger item.

15 other item slots.

yes, that is how powerfull and with scaleing some of these items are. And you do not have to be a new player, I know players that have played all of BFA and still do not have flying. Some people do not farm gold or try to aquire it.

I am done replying to both of you, you guys do not play at a level I think where any of this matters to you, I don’t think you have seen it and are trolling :expressionless:

A. at that point this is a job for them. Its making them money. It takes money to make money. Streamers live by hits. Hits come in when doing bleeding edge.
Not taking 5 hours of farming to stream.

B. they have the skills to use the gear. If you give me 5 million gold, I BOE it up and hit the raids there is no guarantee I will play just like the top 10 guild players do.

Me in mythic raid would be quite the opposite really. A mechanic to me is someone you drop off your car off to to fix it, do pm stuff on it lol.

you see I sucked even in the anniversary raids. And that was just small pieces of some harder raids. And…we were all zeroed out. 5, hell 10 million in gold is not going to fix that.

Skill is WAY more important than item level, by like a mile.

Item level isn’t even a good indicator of an upgrade.

It’s the entire purpose of why exists.

Method walked into mythic Nylatha with a raid item level of 457 (first boss kill) and went 11/12.

You could give 90% of the games population 480 item level and they wouldn’t even kill the 1st boss.

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Did Limit spend real money to buy BOEs that helped them get world first N’Zoth? If so, yeah, that’s pay to win, no way around it.

I never said it would make them a better player, however it will give them the edge on applications, being picked on searches for M+ groups, in pvp it actually might make them a better player on how the scaleing goes.

But as for the top of the top guilds you are correct. I said in a prior post that Method/limit ect are undeniably good players best of the best.

But what they are doing is causeing fall out for all of us lesser pleebs =p

this is more for the mid range people.

And to be honest, if they are decent player, the Corr item would carry a 10 to 14 key to timer on his/her dps alone

That’s why you see groups with “link your best Corr item”

Are you blaming BoE gear or the WoW token in this one?

No, they are not that powerful. It’s hard to imagine what the game looks like to a new player, but a newbie maxed out character will lose to a veteran of the same class 9/10 times. That’s how the game plays. Been that way for over a decade.

As for flying, it’s so incredibly easy to get. It’s not hard. It’s just time consuming. It’s not the same as playing the Auction House. And if you do not farm gold, and then point to someone and say “What they have is better than what I have and that is not fair” then I don’t know what to tell you.

I will be happy to reply if you wish to continue. But do not try to win an argument by just running away. It’s just a forum post.

Funny, a year ago I was grilled on here for saying the exact same thing.

I play at a Casual level, due to work and University. At the level I’m at, below Heroic Raids, ilvl matters more than skill.

As you climb the ladder to Heroic, and eventually Mythic, that lines shifts back towards the skill side (raider .io).

I should have specified though, what I meant was ilvl is better that gear up to a certain ceiling, then they swap. You are correct.

It depends. If they paid gold and got the gear, it’s not as egregious I suppose (depending on where the gold came from). But if real money was involved in the transaction I think that’s unfortunate.

I would really like to see these world first competitions take place on a competition server with normalized gear, so RNG is taken out of the mix and we can watch these teams compete just on skill alone. That would be much better for the health of the game IMO.

they have always taken things from other servers on their race, b4 cor items it was other servers trade skill materials ect :expressionless: its just what they do.

Ive said before because of this I do not know what to think of the world first race. when you listen to them talk, it honestly makes it worse when they bring up other subjects.

I too would love to see a race where it just involved their server only, even if the server fed them, it would be their server and I feel that would be ok.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think at one point limit and method were arguing who has the most stay at home jobless raiders and are looking for more!

Except they don’t catch up because player 1 got the raid spot, and shoots waaaaaay ahead.