Good afternoon Council!
Anyone who engages in competitive play has likely encountered a scenario where your activity is disrupted due to a disconnect or a player who afk’d. Sometimes, the AFK is not due to some heinous behavior, but perhaps because the player had to use the restroom or their cat caught on fire or some other valid excuse. This of course causes consequences when you are in the middle of a Mythic+ and the timer is expiring, or in the middle of a Solo Shuffle session/Arena/Rated Battleground match. Some of these activities can last more than 40minutes so it’s not completely underheard of that a player’s personal life goes undisrupted for the entire time.
To help alleviate this issue, I propose Blizzard implement a “Pause Feature” where players can start a vote to pause the match/Mythic+ instance time. If a majority of the players accept the vote to pause, then the players/match/instance timer will be paused. I believe all game functionalities, included the chat box, should be disabled during the pause as well.
What are your thoughts?