Patters within Patterns Reset?

People are saying that the nerf to progress went through since everyone is having the issue. I’m guessing it’s either just a bug that wasn’t meant to happen or it was intentional as they are changing Patterns Within Patterns to a once a week quest since people were complaining about it being bi-weekly. So with one change possibly comes another and they nerfed the progress is my guess. Hopefully it’s just a bug but this indeed halters alot of prog for a lot of people. If it is a nerf, it needs to be reverted imo.

Amounts were nerfed too?? Random treasures are now rewarding a whopping 1% completion for the weekly. Where was that announcement??

I don’t believe it was…

I killed him fairly early (one of the first activities I did in the zone whilst doing my Storyline quest), and it appeared to be the normal amount of progress, nothing that would have alarmed me…the treasures and rares also appeared to be functioning normally too :frowning:

Same problem here. Had just finished the quest but stopped off to turn in a few others before heading back to Haven. Somewhere between Pilgrim’s Grace and there the quest went from “Ready to turn in” to 54%. Definitely odd and aggravating.

Blizzard posted this five days ago (emphasis added):

With next week’s scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, the 3-day quest “Patterns Within Patterns” will become a Weekly Quest, and both its completion requirements and rewards will be increased to provide the same pace of progression.”

I and others can attest that soon after todays maintenance, the requirements ( and at least the gear rewards) hadn’t changed. Given the above announcement, it seems very possible this was meant to make it take longer to complete this but the initial implementation got messed up and the quest was subsequently hotfixed.


Yes - my toon went to 58% or less after the WB.

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I have a slightly different issue. My quest shows “Ready for turn-in” but the quest giver has a gray question mark and the Continue button is grayed out.

I have the same problem, also the amount of sandy “relic sands” is also reset

Yet another terrible decision made here by the blizzard team! I understand that with Patterns turning to a weekly. We would expect it to take longer. However given the fact that for half the day you let patterns remain on the old progression scale. As well as players already having the chance to turn it in on old progression scale. It is lunacy that Blizzard decided to revert players that had already progressed through patterns but had not turned in yet. Why not just let it remain and fix it on reset the next week. Seems imbecilic to me to just revert player progress with no warning!

Yes but hotfixing after players had already progressed seems imbecilic. Such a gut punch to people that were almost done and had 1/2 of their bars cut. Would have made much more sense to just address and fix the following week. Since some players had already completed at the easier requirements for this week.


Totally agree with you - I don’t think it was handled well at all.

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