Why add 262 legendary belt at 7/7 but make rep grind give you 291???
Why??? Blizzard trying to destroy the game??
Why add 262 legendary belt at 7/7 but make rep grind give you 291???
Why??? Blizzard trying to destroy the game??
Yah they said that the weekly would start on tuesday. Next reset.
new patterns dropped today for anyone reading this. make sure to get it done before reset
Thank you.
Really though not everyone has someone paying their rent for them so they can stay home all day every day.
I feel like the rewards will get reduced since it rewards gear currently.
This is one of two aspects RE this change that concern me. Overall, love the idea of being able to afford people more flexibility in when (within the week) they do the content; very ‘player-friendly.’
My 2 concerns are as follows:
1500/2000 would be a nice boost since there is quite a bit of power rewards on the vendors. And they should consider catch up for players joining the patch later.
Glad this got changed. Weekly sounds more reasonable and more feasible for people to complete.
This is a MMORPG , they reward time played as thats what they are all about . Someone who plays more than me should have more than me, should be more advanced than me , etc etc .
Its fine not logging in every day , whats fine is expecting to have the same things as people who do
LOL . I am away from home with work 55 hours a week , have a house and kids to look after, play and coach multiple sports and still have time to log in --its called time management . You CHOOSE not to manage your time
I hope “other rewards” includes things like gear and conduit upgrades—and possibly more gold, anima, and renown.
Or else, Korthia is going to be more rewarding than Zereth Mortis even in 9.2!
For me it’s more that everyone around me stopped playing and the game itself doesn’t grab me like it used to. It feels boring and unrewarding.
Are they going to fix the so called rng reward with it? I have enough cloaks that I don’t need to always get another “rewarded”.
That is the design problem now.
There is no more logging on and just grip it and rip it, you need to first read guides online, download the needed add ons and watch videos of how to do each task online.
What ever happened to simply finding the chest and opening it or just killing a rare and a chance at a mount drop.
I do not like these over convoluted systems and puzzles. I just want to log on and have fun, not be frustrated.
Happened to me as well
I work full time and have a kid. Takes an hour tops to finish this
But should you have to spend that time to unlock the next part of the story? I’m all for grinds to get gear, mounts, cosmetics, etc. But a grind to unlock more of the story feels like the devs can’t be bothered to create enough unique content, so to keep the hook baited, they created a way to time gate the story that totally disrespects the player’s time. In 15 years I’ve never had a part of the game that made me hate playing, but this does.
The game isn’t about “feels”
It’s about making a profit off your subscription.
I mean 15 years in …