
You have to figure in travel time.

And to think you could have flying already if you just played the game rather than throw a tantrum and leave for a month…


People who are still grounded in world PvP sound like tasty morsels.

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Do you seriously think this is my main if I am complaining about flying in the new zones?

My point, all of it…is they design a zone to fly in…yet you have to grind it out on the ground in that zone designed for flying in order to fly. It is absurd. The grind is pathetic, the dailies suck, rep rewards are way too small per daily quest. it is all designed to take you as long as possible and I am done. I lasted 2 weeks returning back to this to give it a chance, no way. Can’t do it, won’t do it. My think is warmode and they pretty much gimped me beyond repair unless I get this pathfinder 2 bull$%^&. DONE. CANCELLED. #$%^ Blizzard.


And the wheels on the bus go round and round.

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You were wise to cancel this not the game you are looking for.

Fine bro, good luck with the lifespan of the game. How long do you think they can keep it up at this rate? If you leave for even a month you are screwed? No MMO can survive that.


They’ve been surviving it for 5 years now.

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This is the third time we’ve had a Pathfinder with similar requirements and yet the game has miraculously survived. Crazy right?


I’m sure they have increased the chance to get pathfinder faster by now. You can not use the “I’ve been gone for a month” Excuse there have been times i have been gone for like 4-6 months and came back and got pathfinder really easy. Now it just seems like you want it handed to you and that is not how it is.

My wife and I took a 4 month break and when we came back she got PF2 finished in 5 days it is so hard…


I think pathfinder would be fine. If there was not such a long period between phase 1 and 2.
Getting pathfinder now is sooooo much easier than at the start.

It’s kind of hard to take your arguments seriously when you’re throwing a temper tantrum.


I do agree with this, I don’t mind the req’s but the long wait in between sucks :frowning:

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Agreed. I’ve come around on this one. Keeping people grounded after they get Part 1 is fairly lame.

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I understand your frustration, and to those saying grind it out its easy now You forget certain things, the main problem is the devs at Blizzard suck at academics mainly math/algebra. IF new people are coming into the game and or returning and need to grind out rep they are met with 1000% more ground mobs than any other time in wow history. Nazjatar has ridiculous amounts of mobs with no safe pathing/travel while the large percentage of players now fly blue dot to blue dot these people catching up have to struggle and fight the whole damn zone at once. when 100’s of players in the zone were competing for mobs or traveling it was fine but now less than 5% are on ground mounts. Again leadership in design at blizz has failed the incoming/new /catchup player base. Wait your 50minute queue times and try to do the starting zone dailies , also the harpoon guns in nazjatar fire at stealth even though they have no indicator saying they can see stealth, more failure by blizz , be careful, grind it out.

We had to do it too, we had to meet the requirements before we could fly so why should new players not have to meet the same requirements?

How do you figure that this is even remotely true?

If it’s about wpvp and not having flying while others do then go to any rested spot and turn it off for like a week until you have flying then turn it back on. Voila

If its about fear etc then there is so much easy gear now that Idk what to even say.

Sure thing! 100k gold per character!

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Wondering what you think of the Great Worm of 8.3.