This is your mistake right here. Zones haven’t been designed for flight since MoP. There’s nothing in any of the 8 zones of BFA that explicitly requires flight to achieve – thus, flight is not required to get anything done. It only adds convenience. Work for that convenience if you choose, but you’re not restricted from a single piece of content if you don’t have flight, because they stopped designing for flight years ago.
Okay, bye.
WoW used to thrive.
Since Pathfinder and WoD it’s CRZ instead of server communities.
Pathfinger is intended to cover up the fact that the content is razor-thin, unoriginal, redundant and dull – truly garbage that no one would bother with more than once, , much less grind it, if it weren’t for the carrot of re-gaining your ability to fly that you’ve had since 2007.
The only way they can get you to play their garbage content is by ransoming flight. Pathetic.
What world PVP?
225g for normal and 5k for master used to work pretty good
It has…and it will continue to.
Because meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!
I recently moved from EU servers, and was gutted to lose all allied races and pathfinders. Getting BfA flying took less than 2 weeks. Buy yourself a tortollan contract, and just play the game - it’s not worth leaving over.
I think it’s fair to offer Pathfinder for gold on previous expansions. I can’t see a reason not to. Especially 2 expansions ago.
You are correct… This will be the last quote from Watcher
It seems an obvious gesture from the devs to players who waited over a year to fly in BfA.
Wish people could read, Yes players did the zone but most did when the Large Majority was still grounded ie. for every 1 mob you had 100 players on the ground clearing the area’s . Now for every 1 player you have 100 NPC/MOB kicking his arssse while hes trying to make it to the world boss /quest that everyone else flew directly to. This is while he is travelling on the roads not cutting across unknown terrain.
NP , sell 2-3 tokens at 200k
I’m sorry you are unable to play as you wish
However it unreasonable to assume you would come back and be at the same progression level in the expansion as those gave been playing the whole time
Yeah. Grinding gold for flying on each character was a way better system then one account wide unlock.
You’re right it was, they actually had a gold sink so gold wasn’t as inflated as it is now.
it is all designed to take you as long as possible and I am done. I lasted 2 weeks
It took me just under two weeks (dead 0 rep, to get Mechagon and Naz to revered and Pathfinder2), fairly casually. So you did something wrong.
Many players were faster than 2 weeks. It is just about priorities.
I was doing it “wrong” for about 4 days, before I read some strategies, found out about 3 K rep with both from Pet battles, found out about 200 rep from fishing dailies in Mech, rep from the first time you kill a rare in both zones, etc.
If you leave for even a month you are screwed? No MMO can survive that.
Nah, there are so many content/time gates that it doesn’t really matter.
People should also post on the appropriate character; If posting about Pathfinder, in retail, you should be posting on the main character who is working on that in retail. Not doing that, just makes the post suspicious/trolly. It would be like me posting in Classic, complaining about Molten Core at level 60, on this character and refusing to “show” my Classic character.
NP , sell 2-3 tokens at 200k
You must work for Activision if you’re promoting buying tokens
That’s cute.
Wait until you do Nazjatar on a character with no vanish/not a druid/no Shadowmeld!
Enjoy >w<
Unfortunate we have lost another player due to patchfinder.