That change was almost assuredly of a result of a large chunk of the population making a bee-line to cap for flight at xpac release, holding off on taking care of as many essentials as possible until they had flight and skipping everything else. It’s not easy to justify adding 10 levels of questing, etc when the playerbase is breaking their necks to skip it all.
I like the flying because I can see everything from above with flying.
I would be very angry if flying was taken away just because some people don’t want to take the time to see the beauty of everything from a flying mount.
OP ~
You had 2 choices…silently go off into the night, a strong willed being with the ability to break the WoW ties, or make a huge announcement that you’re leaving for that last ounce of attention you so crave…
Well here’s your 15 seconds. slow clap
Agreed, and would like but apparently that darn like cd is at it again, Rhielle so pls have this one instead…
WTF? Back in the days, it took forever to generate gold for flying. I was already almost revered and some exalted when I was able to afford flying. What’s the difference of getting flying today and getting flying from those old days?
On BFA, Gold is raining. BFA eliminated rendering extra hours for gold farming. Blizz included 4k gold on Paragon Chests and you could get 3 Paragon Chests per week just doing the 15 min dailies. That same 15 min would get you to revered in few weeks. What’s so hard about Reps and Gold on BFA? That guy who’s crying has missed playing 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 to play 8.3. Each patch had 15 min per day grind. Now it became 15 min x 4 per day for those chores. It’s not the game’s fault if people missed playing old patches.
It took time on BFA to grant us flying. Becoz Blizz wants people to engage on first few patch especially on PvP. If you get flying, you tend to avoid engagement. Take note that Blizz eliminated PvP servers on BFA. They introduced WARMODE. To make Warmode a success, Blizz has to force people to engage to each other or Warmode would be boring and it would become a failure. After given time, Blizz gave the pathfinder quest… after people experienced enough PvP on warmode.
And yet this is the version of WoW with the most instant gratification yet.
The Facebook Era WoW, born in WoD and here to stay forever.
You know you have double rep now? I went friendly to revered in mechagon in like a week. Just this past week. Edit: Also a good time to go after any allied race or heritage armor you didn’t get around to yet. I’m only just now taking my alliance main alt out of boralus - thanks to grind nerfs and flying and game not wasting my time right now.
And I get mechagon explore just being lost, nazjatar explore helping dread admiral find his sailors for one quest, nazjatar rep off emissaries, all the other rep and explore back before 8.1.5 or whatever. My reward for playing classic, aside from seeing the world as it was before I got here, was having all the ap grinds nerfed, the armor in starting zones buffed past benthic armor… and double xp/double rep.
okay, have fun
Can I get a source on the percentage of players who quit doing WQ once they go flight?
Good. You shouldn’t play games that don’t fit you.
I got most of pathfinder done through just playing, but it did require some rep grinding towards the end which wasn’t bad except for Nazjatar. Nazjater was a freaking nightmare for me. Turning in a daily and getting 50 rep feels terrible.
Ok look here hot shot, it is not about the difficulty or being lazy. But repeatable content that isn’t very interesting, like WQ’s for example, gets extremely boring very quickly, I still shudder when I have to help turtles.
These quests are not challenging, flying around with a backpack looking for treasure chests is not challenging. Killing a WQ boss is not a challenge and it’s over in seconds, it is not fun anymore. Anyone with any intelligence finds this current batch of repeatable content painful to grind.
But if you want to fly, which I did, then you do PF, but I did not enjoy it.
I tend to avoid engagement even on the ground. No peripheral vision so can’t see chat box while looking at forward part of screen. Also tend to have only combat and local says in my active box, and all the channels on their own tabs that I look at when I’m not busy playing. And I have this netgun for dismounting other players on flying mounts… Granted they have parachutes now.
Edit: Actually, I engaged a lot in classic, but it was bloodsail buccaneers server with a pretty friendly trade chat combined with a b.s. price-gouging AH with too-short selling windows. And maybe everyone casting buffs on each other and/or needing each other to survive open-world content. cough Westfallnam Actually feel like I should stop back by there and say hi to a few people.
My observation is that people who post saying they got it “playing naturally” are no longer doing that content. It’s especially hilarious when these same people tell players who want flight in legion or warlords content that “You can get that by playing the game naturally”, as though it is natural at this point for ANYONE to be playing that content.
I have never found a player who said that and is still doing that content.
Imagine being so bad at open world games that you can’t play them without flying.
It would be fine if we flew occasionally, but when flyings unlocked our toons are basically birds.
Imagine being so bad at open world games that you have to hang out insulting people on the forum on a dummy character instead of actually playing.
Gotta love the people who totes played during vanilla and are still parroting this even now that classic is out dailies weren’t added until BC.
Exactly! I don’t want to fly enough to do these things so I always skip PF. I don’t have an opinion either way as to how they incorporate it as getting around on ground mounts is simple and painless as it is.
How would you know this?
It come naturally from doing content AND I still do it. I am super exalted on multiple characters even. So there you go.