Pathfinder seems irrelevant now

It’s available as soon as you hit 80, finish the leveling campaign and explore the zones. No wait this time.

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If dragonflying (I refuse to call it sky skipping or whatever the approved terminology is) is available from day 1, so should the other flying.


Pretty much what I said

All of that should be done within the first month after release

All of that will probably be done in a week. lol

Depends on how they space out the campaign and the renown to further it .

It’s the leveling campaign. Nothing more. Just like the four main zones in DF. It’ll be each of the four main zones in War Within. None of those are locked.

So no renown needed to open quests for it ?

Nope. That was the big selling point for this whole thing: you get it as soon as you get those three things done: finish the leveling campaign only, explore those leveling zones and hit 80. Bam. Unlocked.

They just want the main campaign to be immersive in their way before everyone gets air swimming.

If Pathfinder wasn’t a thing, we’d be paying incrementally more amounts of gold per character with each expansion to unlock steady flight.

Honestly, I think it’s okay the way it is in TWW with it not being tied to reputations and being obtainable at launch.

It’s only three simple steps:

Get to max level

Explore the four leveling zones

Done all four leveling campaign

How is that hard? Plus, these new zones in TWW are ground mount friendly.

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Oh yeah and hurt those with disabilities who play the game.

Smart idea (sarcasm)


are they allowing flying in the new zones at the start?

You don’t think very highly of those with disabilities I see.


It does just seem needlessly mean to people who have problems with dynamic flight. I remember when Ion talked about it at blizzcon he specifically brought up people who prefer static flight for accessibility reasons. So then why is it a thing, Ion?!

We also understand there are some folks for accessibility reasons, personal preference reasons, maybe you just like being able to afk in mid air, that dragonriding isnt your favourite. We don’t want to take anything away. These mounts that concurrently you do the old school flying mode to toggle between dragonriding or, let’s call it TBC flying. Up to you. Whatever you prefer.

Again, Dynamic Flight will be available from the start when you get to Khaz Algar in the Isle of Dorne, just as it was in Dragonflight. Old school TBC flying, pathfinder style, will not be available right away but will be unlocked shortly after reaching max level with no reputation grind requirements. Just play through the campaign, explore the continent then you can fly that way as well.


Did you even go on beta and explore the four zones? Becau it looks pretty ground friendly too my own eyes.

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Hey that’s great. But it’s not what we’re talking about.


How is it that hard to unlock steady flight?
You tell me. Which part is it too impossible for those who have disabilities?

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Way to miss the point, buddy.


No, I haven’t missed the point. You just want everything to be given to you on a silver platter just like those who whine about legendary and or gear. Unlocking steady flight in the war within takes zero effort I tell you. And plus the zones are ground mount friendly to explore and to get around. And heck versus those older pathfinders this one is the quickest and easiest to earn.

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I don’t think they’d face a lawsuit or anything but DR does give motion sickness to some and complicate depth perception issues. They have tried to limit this some with options, but regular flying is always great for those days when DR is a bit too much.