Pathfinder seems irrelevant now

Not sure what the point of continuing Pathfinder into the next expansion is. I’ve had no issues with it in the past but now that dynamic flying will be available from the start in TWW I’m not seeing the logic behind it.

Perhaps devs should consider linking it to a cool armor or weapon transmog set instead of regular flying. They’ve started innovating in so many other things that this seems like a step backwards.


I think it gives a mount doesn’t it?


They want a new players first flying experience to be sky riding.

And they don’t want to risk an ADA lawsuit by removing sky swimming.


It was always irrelevant. If you’re rewarding people for doing stuff they’ll do anyway, just give them the reward without the annoying hoop jumping.


It’s a clear demonstration that the interview about letting go of stubbornness was just talk.


Sky swimming should have never been implemented way back when.

Skyriding (I think that’s what we’re calling it now?)
Should be the only flying method but of course they can’t remove it now or half the playerbase will start whining :joy:


nah both have their own benefits

skyriding is cool but useless in small area questing

skyriding is good for long distance


The reason TBC flying is locked behind folks having played the game is because of how this convenience is and always have been negatively affecting the game. It isn’t the flying that’s the reason for it being locked behind the campaign but rather that people use this particular way to traverse as a way to not engage with the world around 'em.

Dragonriding now Skyriding was their attempt at fixing the decades long issues that TBC caused due to the way flying effectively provides you with a moveable AFK-podium. Doesn’t mean that it isn’t without its own flaws, but the flaws that are caused by TBC flying are basically only solved by removing it outright. Since that has been an unpopular way to solve the problem, compromises have been made. Pathfinder used to be one, for DF it was Dragonriding, and for The War Within it is Skydiving with a later ability to unlock said AFK podium once players have played through the content available at launch.

How would they even be at risk from the ADA by removing something not related to disabilities…?


Kinda thought it was their idea to slow farm bots. :robot::thought_balloon:


Bots can quite easily make use of dynamic flight in WoW. Folks who have said this throughout DF just haven’t looked at what bots do. Not to mention it is absolutely illogical to even assume a bot can’t figure out how to make use of it even if one want to make it “more human.”

Botting in WoW is way too profitable for large scale organizations for that to have ever been a plausible way to hinder 'em.


I agree, regular flying is much more convenient for questing in short distances, I use it all the time for that.


I sure hope that wasnt the idea. lol…because the “bot!” screaming felt like it started ealier in DF than in both BFA and SL

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Pathfinder has always been about spite toward the players.


Pathfinder should have always been an optional achievement for a mount of something like that. End of story.


Think WOTLK / BC (and whatever else) did it best.

Hit a certain level, you can pay to unlock flying.

I don’t mind being grounded during the leveling experience. I think that’s perfectly fine. I think once you’ve gone through the zones on a single character, there shouldn’t really be any mechanic that actively prevents you from navigating the zones in a faster way


Yeah it was, I remember the devs in the forum pissed about having to add flying in WoD. They been bitter ever since, about the time they stopped really saying much in the forum too.


The logic from Blizzard descriptions in the past on dragonriding have been that it’s more immersive in the content and environment. Normal flying never has been.

They want the main leveling campaign done in their immersive way. Not yours. Not mine. Theirs. And first, that was on the ground. Now, that’s in the air with what they consider to be a more engaging system of flight that requires you to actually do something instead of hover afking.

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Because theyre trying to slowly phase out air swimming in favor of dragon riding.


It’s no different then getting old flying pre path finder .

Do opening patch story quests
Explore opening patch zones
Reach max level.

SHould be available within first month of release instead of around a year after launch

Some of them did. Not sure if all if them did.