Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

no were just tired of condescendence from Blizzard and the people such as yourself getting upset merely because some of us have our own opinion and actually speak up telling them things are bad and Blizzard is like big deal its our game don’t like it then quit

so how long do you think WoW will survive if everyone playing says fine were done enjoy your “vision”


It does though.

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Says the guy playing a game meant for kids lol.

People want their grind to mean something. We’ve essentially ground out the same reward (flying) three expansion in a row now. It’s at the top of people’s minds. There’s also no choice in the matter. You either grind all the reps to revered, or you don’t get the reward. It sucks out the RPG and replaces it with busy work.


It does the opposite, actually.

If you get flying from the very beginning, you spend most of the expansion on the back of your mount and only do the following on foot:

  1. Kill quest mobs
  2. Farm nodes
  3. Talk to quest givers

We saw as much in WotLK and Cata. If you can fly from the beginning, you don’t interact with the world. You just interact with your minimap and the “queue for dungeon” button in your UI.

I never said I wanted flying. I believe that Pathfinder is not the solution, and sucks out the RPG. I would be just fine going back to ground only.

-get rid of pathfinder.
-allow flying in any expansion at max level for a fee.
-stop bleeding subs by ions stubborness, hes wronggggggggg


It does for the current content, just the same as everything else you grind for. Next expansion? You’ll be grinding equipment, Pathfinder, PVP, and most likely the replacement for HoA all over again.

The only things we keep from our grinds from expansion to expansion are pets, mounts, and toys.

There is also a school of thought that invalidating progression is also bad. At the very least, the end goal should be that you can go after rewards in path A, B, C, D and you do not have to do all of them for some big final reward. In a good RPG you make choices, those choices matter, and you end up getting rewards for a single thread of a larger web you are operating in.


And that doesn’t apply in an MMO with Patches and Expansions. Updates invalidating previously ground equipment has been in the game since the get go.

Doesn’t have to be. They can easily work on adding lateral content instead of increasing ilvls. Progressing was always going to lead this type of inflation and lots of old, invalidated content.

But I digress, the real issue here is that Pathfinder is too all encompassing, too critical and game altering, and should not be used in every expansion as the ultimate reward.


I dont foresee that occurring more often than it already does.

… it gives you flying (and a mount).

It’s not.

I understand where you are coming from. I feel the frustration as well. There is no need to be hardcore about getting flying if you just casually play. It may take you a week or two longer but you’ll get there.

I agree that it isn’t the best feeling of just grinding away at world quests trying to get rep. I wish they designed more enjoyable things to unlock the flying than what they have. Maybe some sort of strong of challenges you have to complete on amount or something instead of just rep grinding.

I don’t know if it is me or what but this is the first time I feel like I’m going through a grind just to complete Pathfinder. In Tanaan Jungle and on Argus I just felt like Pathfinder was completed while I was enjoying the game. And I went back to those zones on my alts. This time around I’m just doing it to earn flying and I don’t plan on coming back.

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In my opinion, Pathfinder requirements should be explore the zone, complete storyline and pay for it. Flying in WoW is considered a license and last time I check I had to pay for my license in real life and not earn rep from DMV.


I am 100% behind a system were you have to spend an hour flying a trainer mount with somone who has their license sitting behind you with emergency reins.

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They just need to allow flying at launch again. Either from max level with gold from a trainer. Or allow players to work threw an achievement that can be completed within the first month of launch.


They don’t even hate flying. You can fly in Mechagon by double jumping ffs.

Flying never should’ve been introduced into the game. Period. If you disagree, you’re simply wrong. Same goes for any type of water walking mounts (sans water walking spells). Fight me, bruh.

Flying is super cool, and was very novel for its time. There’s something really liberating about being able to traverse the world faster.

That said, I tend to agree that the fly anywhere approach is too powerful. It takes away from the RPG exploration and role based abilities like water walking, slow fall, portals etc. There are essentially only two challenges in WoW, killing things and getting to where you need to kill things. Flying removes the latter.