Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

IIRC flying in TBC was 68 and going 150% wasn’t thousands of gold.

Also, why do those two xpac set the standard and not Cata? Just to support your argument?

800g for reg flying
5000 fast flyin
1000 for cold weather flying
250 for flight master (was mandatory, probably why it was so cheap)
2500 for w/e panda flying was

Plus cats was made entirely with flying in mind, hence why you got it right away

Immediately went away in MoP though as you needed level cap once more

So, makes sense to continue to require level cap and the price should go up as the amount of gold given out goes up as well, also gotta buy it on every character now as it was back then

Doesn’t matter now, they removed the rep requirements!

Congrats to those that this helps!


They recently made flying free, didn’t they? All my characters already had 310 so I didn’t benefit from it.

Don’t see the point in bringing up prices of flying anymore if that’s the case.

Oooh yea, it’s free now isn’t it

Well guess technically a pathfinder is free as well then, so we’re all good

Even the new one?

Yes all of them.


Oh, well fair play then

Just have it like an hour after the patch is live then, neat

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It also means I don’t have to use my alt to slingshot my main’s rep to renown 15 as fast as possible.

This is why you call this stuff out on the forums :slight_smile:

I personally didn’t consider 15 rep a big requirement, obviously at this point

But at the same time I’m not gunna start a crusade to bring it back lol, I’ll still be getting max with the new guys regardless

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I will too. They have a lot of rewards I really want. :dracthyr_heart:

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Give Dragon Riding a hover skill, covert all existing flying mounts to dragon riding and then Remove Pathfinder all together. Its a dated concept and nobody likes Pathfinder…

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Also write a 5,000 word essay on why Dragonflight is the best expansion ever.


I swear to the gods, shadowlands is better than this

hilarious. I guess they caved to all the crying then. I already had renowns maxed out on multiple characters, so it was just going to be the short period to do the new renown, but I guess that won’t matter either.

About the only use I’ll have for old flying is dropping off of my dragon on one of my two druids or my drac or my DH to then insta-fly the rest of the way. But cool for those that wanted it so badly. I look forward to seeing bots hovering everywhere in the very near future.

Why are you so mad about something that

  1. benefits you at best
  2. doesn’t make any difference to you whatsoever at worst

There are bots everywhere already. They started out hacking underground then moved to DR.

My renowns are almost all maxxed, minus niffen (16) and the centaurs (24). I was advocating for others and it doesn’t hurt me or anyone else that they removed the renown requirements.



Personally, I don’t mind that you’re crying about the crying.


I think they mean flying isn’t something we ever needed to start this drama over. We build zones FOR flight in Burning Crusade and Wrath and then suddenly in Warlords flying was antithetical to design? I think it’s silly, frankly.

And in Dragonflight the fact that we’ve had dragonriding this whole time makes the Pathfinder achievement more puzzling. We’re going through a lot to get a mode of movement that is slower than we already have.