Have you ever tried flying into the ground from great height at top speed in real life? You die, and you don’t get whisked away to the nearest graveyard to be rezzed.
WoW isn’t real life. Expecting it to play by real life rules is silly.
Have you ever tried flying into the ground from great height at top speed in real life? You die, and you don’t get whisked away to the nearest graveyard to be rezzed.
WoW isn’t real life. Expecting it to play by real life rules is silly.
You’re always going to get two sides of the fence on this topic. You always have for all these years. You’re always on both side going to get your agitators, who no matter what arguments that is placed, they will use any excuse or even lies to try to make their side of the opinion to be greater than the other persons.
The great thing about Blizzard is they actually do hold all the gaming data as to how many people are playing what, doing what and for how long. They also have probably a lot of feed back that is not posted just on the forums from players who have quit really saying why they have and not just player grouping them into their opinion on why they think the game is failing speech to support their argument.
I make this prediction for 11.0 release for the next xpac. Fight will once again “all forms” will be locked away at the start for the 1st half of the xpac. It will be unlocked to the players half way mark, one year into it, by the use of pathfinder. I also predict that on the forums just like right now you will see much of the same arguments that people feel that their game play and enjoyment is being held hostage by Ion.
They had the data 10 years ago, when they were convinced it would be best for the game for flight to go away forever. The data didn’t win the day, and they’re still not designing the game according to what the data was supposedly telling them at the time.
They also like to make features for which there is no option but to use it (dragonriding, covenants, garrisons, artifacts, etc.), which skews the data they might be collecting. Similarly, placing restrictions on access to a feature might be interpreted as a reaction to the feature, rather than a reaction to the restrictions because they have no way to tell the difference in real time.
Having the data doesn’t mean you’re necessarily making the correct decision on where to take your game or the direction that will bring in and keep players. Blizzard has managed to hold on to a single-digit percentage of all of the players who ever picked up this game in the last 20 years. Over 90% of players - over 100 million players - have bought the game and left. Sure, some of those players left for reasons out of Blizzard’s control (because they passed away or something), but tens of millions of the former players can be laid directly at the feet of the folks with the data.
Has there never been a decision Blizzard has made where you looked at it and thought to yourself, “Well, that’s probably not going to work,” because common sense/your gut/your experience with everyday humanity - your “data” - knows it won’t work, and then it goes live and doesn’t work as you predicted?
But at this point of time, I think their Data tells them that they are not really losing that many players or keeping that many new players from picking up the game all due to flight and how they manage it.
Yes, I totally agree their assessment of timeless island and how everyone was so ohhh this is so great at being grounded. Them turning that into a grand thought of lets make WoD a flightless xpac and not even ask or tell the player base this until well into it. With only the whole, hooo hummm we have some work to do to get flight into the xpac and just any day now it will be there. Then poof the huge drop the ball and say the world of WoD was never designed for player flight to began with news and it would take them forever to fix it. Then they pop the whole by the way here is Pathfinder to keep you busy while you wait. Now WoD from top to bottom was a total train wreck. The xpac if had been done right could have been huge. But because it just didn’t have meat to it at all and noting added worth anything in patches. There was many reasons beyond just flight that people quit WoW for GOOD at that point.
I do not ever believe no matter what golden goose egg that Blizzard or any game company ever put into WoW, that we will ever really see a huge re-birth or growth in WoW every again. The people who left, are largely gone for good. Newer players love to come and go, play for a short time then move onto something else.
Dragonflight no matter how much good there is to it. Fell on deaf ears because of so many xpac’s before it that people felt was a waste of their money to buy into the hype, so strait up the sales just didn’t happen this time. And I think its probably going to trend this way from here on out.
Renown was supposed to be mostly optional this expac. For example, the Walrus guys. I’m just not into them (I know other people are- I’m not much of a fisher in game) or that part of the zone. So I just never bothered after about level 9.
Same with the tunnel zone. Neat in concept, but I’m not interested in the Mole people. I just went there for the mount.
But in this case, it’s my fault for not having the color schemes for the dragons.
I’m actually not even interested in regular flight this expac, but I love DR.
I just think this is stupid. We’ve been flying in this content for months now. We don’t need the pomp and circumstance just to get normal flying back.
I could see it if we were allowed normal flying this whole expac, but got DR later on. You know how I feel on PF though.
I’m one of those that wanted normal flying however I do not want pathfinding. Flying should have had both dragon riding and normal flying should have been presented as options as the start of the expac. You get two options, if you want to do dragon riding then you select dragon riding. If you want normal flying then you select normal flying. That way everyone can be able to fly. There wouldn’t be any issues.
And personally for me, I never once thought that normal flying was too slow. For me, it’s the perfect speed. If someone thinks it’s too slow, then fine. But for me, it’s fine.
I’m probably not even going to touch the renown and haven’t. I’ve done Dragon Isles content in spurts and even then I have to will myself to do it. on my druid. And nother annoys me more than the fact that I can’t fly as a druid. What’s even the point if you can’t use flight form?
Maybe cause where you fly is designed for that speed. I wonder with DF…
Even if you accept pathfinder as onerous (which again I don’t agree) but all it does is gate using old mounts in DF. Since dragonriding exists it’s hard to see it as a problem.
It’s honestly too fast for me. I don’t have any other issues going anywhere else in Azeroth, I just click in one direction and enjoy the ride so to speak. Maybe look at my phone or play a gacha game while I wait or actually pay attention to what’s on the tv.
Even with normal flying, I never did that. I just flew around and decided what I actually felt like doing. I do the same thing on my DR, but land if it’s a daily I want to do or I want to explore or take a screen shot etc.
Or I fly around and just try play with DR.
DR is too fast for me as well. That is why I can’t get into the M+ because it is all about go go go.
I think id be okay with pathfinder a lot more if it was easier to get… something like Complete the story, 100% explore the map, low lvl renown (story plus 2 or 3), and maybe run each dgn once. that way players can take the time to see the world by foot and play a bit slower but its not seriously time gated like theyve been in the past.
Edit: and maybe pay some gold on top of it to help with inflation or something.
More and more reasons to quit playing again, I suppose.
Pathfinder sucks. I’ve always forced myself through the slog in the past.
No thanks, Blizz.
Perfectly true and perfectly fine: But also know life isn’t fair in wow or real and expect air swimming to vanish by the next expansion and I for one will be delighted to see it go forever when it does. Mark this post and mark my words: it will be removed sooner then later and when it does i will bump this post: 6 months, 9 months, 3 years from now: don’t matter it will be bumped.
lol will I be able to fly in the pvp zone?
Wut. If you just want to login and play queue simulator for BGs you can do that. THose of us that want to go around the world and explore have had flying already since day 1, and thus - having played since day one - have literally all of these requirements completed already, unless you HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME.
Because flying wasn’t a problem until now.
It’s like adding steps to your business and then complaining that all these disabled people who didn’t have a problem before are suddenly complaining.
The truth is that TBC flying is very elegant in design and simple which is why it has lasted the test of time.
Almost a decade of this BS because that playerbase said no to them trying take it away, WoD sucked get over it.
Honestly the new age will begin soon enough with a huge change on the horizon.
Nope, if this is the case, I will unsub again after the holidays and wait for the next expansion. No Pathfinding or no $ubscription.