Good lord, as if playing the game the way that isn’t PRECISELY PRESCRIBED is terrible or something.
Go touch grass - seriously.
To try and ascribe fault to having fun in a video game (I thought those were made for having fun) is at a bare minimum nonsense, and in worst case scenario absolute insanity.
Of course their metrics are bad. The signs are there if you look for them.
Take the price of the token right now. It’s hovering around 350k. It’s that high because nobody is buying them. Nobody is buying them even though it’s pretty damn cheap to get a quick million gold.
And if nobody is buying them then none are being put on the AH for people to buy them for gold to pay for their sub or character services.
Now, I’m not saying that’s because of dragon riding but it does make me wonder if it’s as popular as people are trying to claim.
In truth we will never know the entire story but the fact that it took a speculative post on the official forums for a confirmation regarding TBC flying in the second major patch of DF is very telling IMO.
People aren’t asking for anyone to get special treatment. They’re not understanding how locking legacy flying behind pathfinder in an expansion where a much faster mode of flying is already possible is good for the game. For players who can dragon ride but would prefer legacy for whatever reason would get the same benefit from not having to complete a chore list.
And to be clear, nobody is saying pathfinder as an achievement couldn’t exist. By all means, give some sweet mount or transmog for completing pathfinder for those who choose to put the work in to unlock the achievement. It’s just for the purpose of traveling from point A to point B, dragon riding is faster and more engaging; a lot of people couldn’t even imagine going back to legacy flying when dragon riding is an option. It’s head scratching that Blizzard would continue to lock legacy behind pathfinder in this expansion in particular. And since it largely only affects players who aren’t dragon riding, it raises even more eyebrows about how why Blizzard decided that direction.
Legacy flying is not mandatory, but flying is. For those who can and will dragon ride, this isn’t an issue. For those who won’t dragon ride for any reason, it’s a big issue. There is a not insignificant number of players who are not playing dragon flight right now because of this decision. And unlike nearly every accessibility option that could be added, what’s being suggested for accessibility would be less work for Blizzard than making pathfinder a requirement.
Blizzard is certainly able to do whatever they want, it’s their game after all. It’s just hard to understand the motivation for pathfinder locking legacy flight in Dragonflight specifically. In every other expansion, the zones were designed to be traversed on the ground since nobody would be flying until pathfinder opened up. By Blizzard’s own admission, they designed the Dragon Isles for flying. Between the enormity of the zones and several key story and quest zones that are only accessible from sky, the intended experience was clearly not to be grounded for very long.
This is why I, and many others, feel it’s a mistake to gate legacy flying behind pathfinder. A healthy portion of players won’t even notice they have legacy flying when they unlock PF because dragon riding is simply better for them; I fall into that category myself. It’s hard not to feel like it’s nothing more than a punishment for those who won’t dragon ride, which includes those with disabilities making it impossible.
Blizzard can do what they want, like I said. But I hope if enough people can provide feedback that it doesn’t make sense, they will change it before it goes live. At the very least I would love an explanation for why pathfinder makes sense in Dragonflight because the explanation for literally every prior expansion does NOT make sense in an expansion where we could already fly everywhere in the first hour of the expansion.
PF is not a non-factor for those who can’t dragon ride. It’s fine to agree with Blizzard’s decision or to be sick of the complaining especially those who are hyperbolic with their claims. It’s fine for you to think those players can either suck it up and deal with it or leave. But it’s inaccurate to categorize obtaining pathfinder as being easy for those who cannot dragon ride in Dragonflight; it is not.
I have yet to see an reason why pathfinder as a gate to legacy flying in Dragonflight improves the game for anybody. If Blizzard removed the requirement of pathfinder for unlocking legacy flying, which group of players would be negatively impacted by that?
This is not fair at all. Until the 10.2 PTR opened up a few weeks ago, renown was only useful for some starter gear, cosmetics, and professions. There was zero indication it would become a requirement for being able to legacy fly if someone needs or prefers that to dragon riding. If you want to criticize someone for not jumping on it as soon as it became known from the PTR, that’s fine; but including all the time before that is absolutely ridiculous.
Nah, they know why. They don’t care. Too many of these same players also “don’t understand” why so many of their other requests aren’t good for the game.
Like what? Please quote something I’ve said that would be special treatment.
You can’t possibly know this.
But fine, let’s remove the “they” neither one of us can truly speak for. I do not understand how pathfinder locking legacy flight is good for an expansion where we already have the ability to fly. It does not achieve the goals stated for pathfinder in previous expansions as we can already reach everywhere in the Dragon Isles in the sky. Are you able to provide an explanation as to how it makes sense that isn’t some projection to a group of people who have argued against some different Blizzard change in the past to help me understand?
If Blizzard decided today to implement Pathfinders to unlock flight in every expansion prior to WoD - to get everyone to play the game “as intended” through all of the open world content like questing, exploration and reps to completion - you wouldn’t have any of them.
That content has not been removed. You just chose to do something else when it was new, and then it became irrelevant to you, just as the open world content of DF is rapidly becoming to other players.
But we don’t get nice things. Little Jimmy on his toaster from 199,7 can only play upside down, every third Thursday of the crescent moon so there can’t be anything added he might miss or can’t do.
They don’t want nice things. They want the game as it was for years. We always knew flight was coming to the expansion, just not when. And they’d rather not have to use the very tool that makes them ill to complete a list of chores that, in the grand scheme of this expansion, everyone has been free to ignore for the first year of the expansion if they wanted to.
I’ve played video games that trigger motion sickness. The first Uncharted game has a sequence where you have to ride a jet ski upriver and I can’t even watch clips of it on Youtube without getting queasy. Fortunately, it’s just a small chunk of that game and no other part of that game bothers me. Having to do that, every day for two years, would make the game unplayable. I understand completely why people who have motion sickness issues triggered by dragonriding where they didn’t have issues before are frustrated by it. A game that worked for years is now built around a feature which makes it so they cannot play. Blizzard’s compatibility fixes might never work for some players who have issues.
I can also understand why empathy-free weasels whose notion that the world revolves around them is suddenly challenged would always be trying to shouting down people just trying to get some relief for the last year. Weasels shouting “Give feedback! But you’re liars and cheaters!” don’t actually want feedback.
No mate, sorry. These same dudes have been complaining about PF since WoD. Dragon riding answered 99% of those complaints. So now, it’s shifted to disabilities and new players.
If it’s disabilities, suggest feedback to improve the gameplay so that we can all enjoy the improvements.
New players? The content can’t be boring if they’ve never seen it.
So yeah, it really only leaves botting for people to be this upset over static flying.
No, mate. You’re wrong. Wrong and intellecually lazy. That’s why you keep bringing up the “Are we going to pretend that blah blah blah isn’t the same as blah blah blah…” where you try to dump the opinions of everyone you’ve ever conversed with who has ever had an opinion on Pathfinder into a big pile and pretend it’s the same people over and over again in some sort of weird moral equivalence gibberish that makes no sense.
Dragonriding “fixed” Pathfinder by bypassing it completely, which is just more proof that flight restrictions and the Pathfinders that resulted from the failure of the restrictions were all crap to begin with.
Pathfinder no longer needs to exist. Just because it has existed doesn’t mean it must continue to exist. There are plenty of things that used to be in this game that no longer exist. Pathfinder can join that list.
You wouldn’t get *it * if it came in a big box marked “it.”
Mate, if people wanted to have a genuine discussion, it would be different. They do not. You do not recognize that many of the same posters in this thread, have posted in nearly every other thread since Legion? From flying, to ap, to artifacts, mage tower, islands, covenants, the list of things is insane.
Go read the thread on currencies. You will recognize the names.
Why pretend these excuses aren’t troll? What if i sneeze? It wastes time! What if there is an emergency, my mom had a heart attack one time!"
These are things people have actually typed as to why dragon flying is bad and static flying is better. If it was just flying or just PF, maybe I wouldn’t respond. But it’s not. This is the kind of feedback that keeps getting things removed, so WoD players can WoD.
I do remembers all of that and I remembers compromise they made and everyone was ok with it because you’re going to fly. Since the compromise, they asking do same thing in order to fly. Explore the zones, finish the story, get to revered with the factions, and do WQ. This time around they asked you to get 15 renown to all faction which basics a revered. you had year to get to 15 renown and you know they give will us some perks to help us to get some rep bonus. I will grantee you that next expansion will be same thing
This shouldn’t really be a big deal and yet we are here fighting about it. But if you guys want to fly that bad, just do the work its not hard and I find annoying that some people on here think they stomping their feet and holding their breath thinking that blizzard will fold. you
I am still waiting on orges…
We had given you answer but its the answer you don’t like hearing and tbf, I think flying had ruined this game.
Stop. Just stop. I am not those other people. I have not argued about anything you put into your list. Yet you want to somehow discount my argument because “they” have argued for something else.
I have laid out my reason why I think pathfinder locking legacy flying is bad. That is not a supposed aggregation of common opinion among supposed people I’ve supposedly interacted with. Can you explain to me how pathfinder helps the experience of Dragonflight? Because short of Blizzard being petty, I genuinely cannot come up with a reason.
And for the record, while I’ve disagreed with pathfinder locking flight in previous expansions, the rationale they gave actually made sense. There would be players who flew over all the zones and never appreciated the hard work that went into the content. Blizzard gave us the ability to do so from the jump with Dragonflight, so the same argument doesn’t hold water in this expansion.
But we already can fly in Dragonflight. That is the disconnect here. Regardless what anyone’s opinion of pathfinder in previous expansions was, the argument at least was logical.
I have yet to see a reason why pathfinder should lock legacy flight except for “it’s always been this way.”
Again, we already can fly in Dragonflight. For those of us who prefer dragon riding, we aren’t even going to notice when we get pathfinder because we aren’t even going to use that reward. The only people who get anything out of the reward are those who aren’t dragon riding or do so begrudgingly but would prefer legacy flight.
This is not a vacuum. You can’t ignore the ridiculous feedback that people give. Nearly every design choice blizzard has made since wrath, has been a compromise on the different or conflicting feedback the player base has given.
They have been very consistent on PF since implementing it in WoD.
No, if anything dragon riding has shown that the majority of complaints and the others like it were never genuine.
At this point into 10.1 you should have already the necessary reputation to get the pathfinder. Not an excuse for not having it, you don’t need dragon riding to gain reputation.
Just adding my 2 cent’s worth, I like dragon riding even though I don’t possess the wherewithal or patience to obtain silver in all advanced/reverse races. And while I personally probably wouldn’t use it very often, I also like regular flying and believe it should be an option to dragon riding automatically w/o having to complete a Pathfinder requirement in its current incarnation. I don’t know which would be more difficult for those having real issues with dragon riding, but rather than reaching renown 15 with all factions/main story lines/exploration/etc., it seems like it would make more sense to obtain bronze in all normal races.
This has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. I think PF locking legacy flying is bad in Dragonflight. That position is not affected by ridiculous feedback others have given on other design decisions. The fact that you keep bringing up that point makes me think you somehow believe it is affected.
That doesn’t answer the question in the slightest. How does pathfinder help the Dragonflight experience?
And like the entirety of your response here, does nothing to address my position. And until you provide a response to my position, I’m going to assume you don’t actually have an argument that counteracts my position on the matter.
Evidently “just playing the game” wont get you PF after all. There should be dailies for bg/arena that give reps, as well as daily pet finder missions that give renown. You should be getting renown for EVERY part of the game. Daily wpvp missions for getting a kill or 5. Gather so many resources and get some rep. Dont just reward one small part of the game.