Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Ion was definitely a horrible influence on the game and the game definitely will do better without him. But nothing was exclusively him, by any means. A lot of this just comes down to corporate greed and psychology - with all the metrics and data points that come with it. The more time you spend in the game the more you have to buy, and the more likely you’ll buy shop mounts and pets. Or character transfers and race/faction changes.

The state of the game is ultimately the fault of Activision. And unfortunately with the Microsoft takeover (if that ever happens) none of that is going to get any better. This is what happens when you become a big corporation. It stinks, but that’s just the reality of what we’ve been forced to accept in our life from birth as being “normal”.


I am curious if any of the posters commenting about disabilities have any, of they are basically speaking for those in a form of white knighthood. Unfortunately, in reality, not everyone can do everything forever all the time perfectly and things happen. If you can’t dragon ride? Do it slower. Don’t go at 830% speed. Simple.

If you want to fly normally? Do the achievement. I also don’t have 15 renown on my Druid, but my Hunter is much closer. Do I think it’s a bit high? Probably. Do I care? Nope. Either I get it or I don’t, it’s not even that important.


The answer is found in the thread.

Then what is the point of your post?


I started reading through it, but there’s a lot of horrendous takes and it’s a bit lengthy.

The point of my post was to add discourse. Just because you dislike my thought or opinion doesn’t make it pointless.

Your reply, however… absolutely was.

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“Get over it. I have.”

Great discourse.


No it wasn’t. I answered your query.

100% this.


There was more in there than that, but sure. You must use X/Twitter a lot. Let me try again.

Not everything is made for everyone, and not everyone do everything the same. Are you calling for PvP changes because these same disabled people you speak of can’t play that fast-paced game mode the same? Are you complaining that there are too many circles on the ground to keep track of if you have vision problems? What about audio queues for the deaf?

This is a non-issue. Some of the requirements are high (mostly the Renown). Will they change? Maybe. Maybe not. Wait and see, perhaps?

Now, I will wait for either of you two to post anything of interest. You seem fun :wink:

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Not really.

I don’t have social media accounts.


For you. The world doesn’t revolve around you.


You’re right. I forgot, “I’m too lazy to read. Get over it. I have.”


The interesting thing here is how little you seem to comprehend what you read.

“I don’t have social media accounts, but I will gladly post online on a socially public space regarding a form of media I consume.” Interesting, though not my point at all.

If you are just complaining about this ONE issue for the people you said it affects, why? Why this ONE thing? Why not a complete overhaul of everything you want and because you think so because it might affect a few people out there, or just people who don’t like it but don’t at all have to use it?

And “too lazy to read” isn’t the same as “there was a lot of garbage to sift through and was over if halfway through.” Rollo, if you want to find a landfill and piece through it, go ahead. I have no such desire. Hur Hur.

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Dude, you’re the one that brought up Twitter. Do you even know what your point is?

… because the thread is about Pathfinder.

Yet here you are.


I brought up Twitter because people love to clutch their pearls about a post and mention only one thing out of like, five, while completely missing the point anyway. Your post was absolutely pointless because it initially said “I dunno, read it up there somewhere.” If you really thought it was interesting enough, quote it. Don’t feel like scrolling up to find it? Me neither. My point.

The thread is about Pathfinder, but why not initiate rolling change? Be the warrior you are meant to be. Fix it all, top to bottom.

Posting regarding a few things isn’t reading the entire thread.

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JHC I understand if you don’t want to read 900 posts but all you had to do if you wanted to have this debate is read one.

I didn’t say “I dunno” I said:

I know the answer, I know it’s in the thread, but I’m not going to find it for you because your first post was essentially telling people to get over it because you have.

So you claimed you wanted to know but then say you don’t want to know.

Yeah your only point is to nasty to people that want something that doesn’t effect you in any way.


You’re as deep as a baby pool.

Why do you keep babbling about social media?

Why are you asking? You don’t care.

Old flight doesn’t require a complete overhaul of anything. IT’S AN EASY FIX. It just requires being turned on and allowed to work as before for people who get queasy using Dragonriding, and Dragonriding can continue to exist for those who prefer it. Preferably WITHOUT Pathfinder, which is just dumb at this point.

That’s what this thread is about, not fixing every issue with the game. Fixing THIS particular issue.

Again, great discourse, champ.


Your points are, well, pointless. Many people have made the complaint that (for whatever reason) they do not like Dragon-riding. Blizzard heard (or more likely, noticed that this is impacting player retention) and is implementing an old technology…normal riding.

The implementation is what is wrong. A quality of life, OLD technology should not be locked behind Pathfinder, no matter what the pathfinder requirement are.

And this is from someone who LOVES dragon-riding and racing.


Exactly this. We have already zoomed around the map, in the air, on our mounts. We had to to collect all the glyphs.

So why do we have to bend over backwards for an inferior form of flight? That’s like giving everyone 310 flying for free then making them do Pathfinder to go 150%. What is the point?


Makes poor Ion feel better about himself. That he did something.


This is such a disingenuous take designed to shut down reasonable discussion. Interesting way to further the discourse.

You’re right that not everything can be designed for everyone. For anyone who can’t move their hand fast enough to reach more than 4 keys in a couple seconds, running even a basic rotation for most specs would likely be prohibitively difficult. Those players would likely not be able to enjoy WoW’s core gameplay. While I empathize with those folks, the cost in both time and quality of gameplay to accommodate those players would be very high. I would not support any calls for the game to be designed with those individuals in mind.

Adding Pathfinder as a requirement for legacy flight is a totally different situation though. Blizzard already designed and built legacy flying in the Dragon Isles. Whatever diminished experience might exist from it being possible was already weighed and deemed acceptable given Blizzard announcing it would be available for players shortly after release. There is no effort or compromise of player experience needed on top of what they already planned to do, unlike your disingenuous suggestion that anyone advocating for PF be changed needs to campaign for all aspects of the game be updated.

Then we come to the fact that for most players, legacy flying doesn’t even give them much value. Unlike every other expansion where all flying was only possible through completing PF, anyone who could DR has been able to fly all expansion. For the most part, the only people who truly get value from legacy flying are those who don’t DR. This makes PF feel like a cost those who don’t DR are required to pay while many who will DR will have the same laissez-faire attitude toward it as you since they will still DR even once legacy flight is an option. I know I will still be DR everywhere once I get pathfinder.

And unlike nearly every accessibility oriented suggestion we might be able to make, Blizzard actually has to spend more work tying PF to legacy flight than if they just unlocked legacy flying when 10.2 releases. It would be less work to be more accessible with practically zero collateral damage to anyone else’s experience.


He disappeared. I bet he’s Tweeting about us. Or, I guess it’s called Xing now.


and I flew from Valdraken to isskarra without landing at normal flying speed ( except for initial jump ) just to see if it could be done .

jump off edge of Valdrakken - hit upward surge 3 times with your mount pointing skyward - keep it skyward untill your speed hits 300 , point slightly down in teh direction of isskara - when speed gets to around teh 500 point slightly up or level till it reaches 300 - repeat . mouse movements are no more than 25 mm at most . key is gaining that initial height to work with . if your starting your journy from a low point you may have to use 4 or 5 charges initially to gain altitude, remember to point your mount up before hitting an upward surge as this gains you much more height

Also for motion sick people , fly high , if you have the effects turned off you hardly know your moving . I suffer from verdigo baddly ( work insists that I have have some go with me when I am out on plant , when I am driving and stop at traffic lights etc it feels and looks like I am still moving forward ) This works for me

Blizzard cannot , and shouldnt have to do things for every condition a player has . It is impossible and unreasonable . There was a thread recently about how blizzard should dumb down mechanics so that us older people whose eyesight/reflexes etc no longer allow us to to high level M+ and raids . Thats just plain stupid . My time to do Mythic raids is up , I cant consistantly keep up with mechanics or my rotation . Thats life , thats how it is . I can still do heroic but this expansion or maybe the next will see the end to that as well. There is no way Blizz should do anything to make it easier for me . not everything is for everyone

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