With some of the posters in this thread, you’d think the very idea of having options for other people would be the equivalent of murdering puppies. In fact with how horrifically childish some of them have been acting about the idea of someone else playing the game the way they themselves want to when it’s none of their damn business, I wonder if even that would bother them. Disabilities aside, and I have the most sympathy for that and I honestly think if a feature helps with disabilities it should be enabled in the game.
The outright dismissive ones are bad enough. The insulting ones are worse.
The ones that make my eyes roll back in my head are the ones who pretend that they dont ‘get it’ after like 86 times of it being explained in here lol.
and some CANT be overcome. some have to be dealt with for what they are.
The blind dont see just because some uneducated sort demands it. lol.
Those with motor skill problems, shakey hands, motion sickness…whatever…arent magically healed because someone wants to pretend their issues dont exist.
I will continue to point out that these trolling sorts claiming they cant figure it out dont need to be here in the first place. This literally has no bearing on them or their game REGARDLESS of the jokes they make up pretending it does.
- Bllizzard tells us to come HERE with our issues. Period. They can cope.
- Normal flight IS coming. Period. They can cope.
- WE ALL got DRing for an hours easy questing.
- They want to do no more than that AFTER waiting for MONTHS for old flight.
pretty easy math here.
Seems some need to pretend they cant add it up just to bait and troll to waste an hour or so.
Yeah I don’t get the people that want to prevent regular flying just because they personally don’t like it.
Makes zero sense.
It always comes down to world PvP, at least before.
They mostly wouldnt just blurt it out, but after a day or two of dragging it out of them, they pretty much all end up saying something that tells us its about their gank fodder being able to get away…or just hide in the sky so they never see them at all.
if I had to put money on it, Id say its the same old story.
Theyre upset that they wont be able to find lowbies to gank for hours til they log out if they have to search the skies for them too.
This is what happens when only business people are in charge.
They just see Normal flying as another avenue to string out players for longer.
Always keep $$$ in mind whenever Blizzard makes decisions like these.
Thats whats odd about this one though.
Its mostly just a small percent of players who cant handle DRing very well for whatever reason.
This PF literally targets those with disabilities, etc…the rest of us have been in the skies since day one.
Is blizzard THAT desperate to do this to that small a group? and to those who have voiced they are having trouble with DRing?
That feels like less about $$$ and more some kind of…well, I have a psychiatric word in mind, but I also dont need a vacation for voicing the opinion.
Lets just leave it at ‘spiteful’ and ‘petty’ lol.
I don’t buy that because most people are not in WM.
I think they’re just plain ol’ spiteful too.
eh…thats just me trying to give some benefit of doubt. lol.
At least if its pvp I can kinda understand the frame of mind.
If its just spite. Well, that says a lot about the person.
i just wanna get my hands on guardians of the dream world sets.
Oh wow. Cloth ?
Very cool
yep. also have
and mail, plate
I like the colors in that.
the mail one is purples and yellows and the plate is ivory, green and gold
It is called power and control. Some folks crave to force others to bend to their ideas.
If it helps, do what I do and picture them all as The Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.
I guess we are pretending that this same thread did not exist when mage tower, visions and torg were out. That complaints about them being elitist or abelist did not lead them to be removed or nerfed into the dirt.
I guess we are also pretending that there is not 3 different threads up now complaining about class rotations being too complicated and too difficult for people with disabilities. We will pretend that pruning was popular last time.
This is true. Dragonflying came too quickly and too easily. It should have been delayed and had more requirements.
did they nerf mage tower? or are you referring to when it came out in legion?
i want a flying book but they said, nope,
Islands were a hot topic in legion. Players complained about it being too hard until antorus, when they face rolled it. They gave up on visions because players complained.
Islands, warfronts and torgh were nerfed into the dirt. Rewards were removed. And shockingly when they had no rewards and became mind-numbing they weren’t popular.
islands, wasnt that bfa? you said legion. and you didnt answer the question - are you referring to mage tower being removed in legion ? cause i’ma here to tell ya, its back and will kick your behind, unless you have somehow managed to get legion legendaries. imagine the amount of work lol legendaries are random world drops.
Yes, they’re random drops, but in a later patch they also made them purchaseable for currency in some building in Legion-Dalaran (in the blacksmith/armory building I think)
Still might take a while to farm the currency if you’re a new/returning player or weren’t subbed during Legion though