why did they add colorblind assistance? is it pathetic that people with colorblind issues, asked for and received assistance? so what about people who deal with slowed reaction time, vertigo and other neurological maladies, who have problems with dragonriding because its too fast and they dont have the dexterity to properly use the functionality of dragonriding? they;re pathetic, really?
I get that they are evidently not able to comprehend the joke with that claim they keep making, but WE HAVE HAD NORMAL FLIGHT FOR MANY YEARS in this game.
NO ONE HERE HAS ASKED for a single concession that doesnt ALREADY EXIST!
add that fact to the fact that
Theyre either posting without actually READING…or they are just trolling for reaction.
Well that latter part is likely true regardless.
They have no valid reason to be in here insulting anyone given this has NO bearing on their game whatsoever.
want to know why I use CAPS?
Because evidently its the ONLY way to get some to pay attention
I totally agree. With practice i have become pretty good at DRing. I can hop and gracefully glide across a few hundred yds to my next stop. I can zoom in at speed and catch a cliff / tower to survey a camp. I can get from one end of the xpac to the other with little effort and very quickly. I can circle calmly in the air looking for something below. Skimming the terrain to gain vigor is a great tool (and pretty fun ripping along a couple of feet off of the ground over and around hills) . DRing has really been fun IMO.
That being said, I feel for people that cant do it or just havent been able to “get it down”. I was very frustrated before I started getting the hang of the finer details. So I am happy Old flying is coming for those people. Pathfinder doesnt seem all that necessary though.
I think the main reason I took to it so fast was I have loved flight sims since they became a thing for consoles and PC games. Just absolutely love any kind of dynamic flight for computer games like this.
I remember thinking on Beta that the wife might not be able to do it.
she is able but she has to turn mouse movement and such down as low as possible or she’ll get sick from the motion on the screen if its too fast.
Yeah, PF this time around is just sadistically pointless.
Regardless of any trolling claims in here its literally directed solely at players who already had problems with DRing and waited all this time for normal flight.
Every time I think Ion cant possibly do anything worse, he manages to find a way to excel way beyond anything hes done before.
But this one. This is all above and beyond.
personal loot, master loot…whatever. Hes making players on all sides crazy with this crap.
But using PF against the only group who is having trouble with the new flight they never asked for in the first place?
do you think he’s trying to recreate that other guy’s sylvannas disaster, a sort of burn the place as i go out the door? he’s been with blizzard for nearly 2 decades.
This isn’t some new game that people don’t like after kicking the tires.
The game worked for the players who want old flight right up until November 28, 2022. When products stop working - particularly products someone might have sunk thousands of dollars into - existing customers complain. When the fix for their problems already exists, is functional in 90% of the game content, and was always part of the plan for the expansion anyway, and it’s just stubbornness that is prolonging it from being rolled out a couple of months ahead of schedule, the complainers will complain louder. And, when it does show up, it’s got honey-do list attached to it again even after the developer blew up their excuses for having the honey-do list in this or any previous expansion on day one, hour one of this expansion, the complainers will complain louder still.
You’re welcome to sit there and shut up if you’re unhappy about something. Nobody else has to.
Blizzard LITERALLY TELLS US to come HERE to voice our issues.
Then these trolling sorts seem to think THEY have ANY authority to tell us otherwise.
Never listen to people that say feedback doesn’t matter.
That is what people said about no class reworks happening in the middle of an expansion during DF beta. And yet here we are with multiple class works which may still not be enough but it is still better than nothing.
So with regards to pathfinder on the PTR I find it is really, really unfair to new players or players returning from multiple expansions asking them to grind out something like this.
That is my feedback on PTR and also in this thread.
We WANT people to stick around and DF not be a barren ghostland of an expansion.
No, I said 95% of the complaints about the removal of flying, were solved by dragonriding.
People can and will cheat/ bot anything. I do believe it would be easier to break on dragonflying than regular. And that is what the energy should go into.
I think they should keep pathfinder, for those who want an account wide unlock, and a cool mount and title and what have you, maybe even make it reward a lot more achievement points too… but still have flying abailable on a per character basis for a large sum of gold.
well i am already over half way thru the upgrades from collecting glyphs, which was funny . some of them took several attempts, such as the one at…was it ruby lifepools or valdrakken…think it was valdrakken, way up there. its also uncomfortable to do. then tthere was one along the coastline, on a mountain. that one took like a half hour. see the issue is, my reaction time is too slow, so when i notice i need to boost, i’m already too low. diving down and land skimming is not an option when i’m already half way up the mountain and flew right passed the glyph, either too high or too far to one side…its like watching a road runner cartoon
This forum is nearly juvenile in how its set up. lol.
Just remove the flag button and put in a vote that doesnt do much of squat but show a number
Hide the report button behind a few clicks so no one can ‘accidentally’ use it as a thumbs down.
I think theyre trying to mimic those who feel they have to post in threads they clearly didnt read before responding.
both can choose just not to do it.
but only one is actually having their game affected by it.
Putting aside that Blizzard has no history of adjusting the price of flight training upward due to the gold inflation it has caused, that would be a very stupid thing to do. It’d finally push the game well over the line of “is it/isn’t it pay to win.”