I think you fail to see that people are horribly lazy in WoW… all things considered I did mention to @Sendryn that there’s been some real lazy healers lately… if you’re unwilling to learn something new then that’s a you problem, I’ve already acknowledged impaired players and the fact that there’s ways to help mitigate the effects, but the people aware of those toggles have also complained about how difficult DR is (truthfully not hard at all, its so easy a 12 year old can figure it out).
Personally Im thinking about 30% or so are anathema.
The majority are nice enough to have a conversation with…its the agendas that show up and ruin the exchange. Activists ruin life for everyone.
that is so adorable…how you think your opinion matters lmao.
You’ll be the one coping when you see all those normal flying mounts flittering about.
Now, sad to say its not my job in here to give you the attention you crave, so…byebye
That is giving some of them too much credit, to me it has always come across as a bratty toddler phase.
I am still for those that are disabled to get the flight they can handle more easily, but some of these posters need to realize how they are coming across and how that might hurt them in the eyes of others.
Hopefully blizzard is able to make content that accomodates both kinds of flight.
They did a great job with DF making content FOR flight as many of us were begging for.
I think theyve proven the talent is there.
The question is, will they get lazy again and resort to boring mediocrity or will they continue to bring us more compelling content designed FOR their own game mechanics.
I had high hopes…and then they pulled this lazy PF trash again, so now, who knows.
If people quit the game, it’s on them. People know by now that regular flying has used pathfinder since WoD by now. Stop being surprised by it.
If you quit, come back and get the rep. If you’re new, you have a flying mount called a dragon already and you know you’ll get to snail mail flying at some point.
This incessant moaning every time pathfinder is back again is nauseating.
At the very least, they should expect Blizzard to pull it. I still think this could be the last expansion with it but it won’t stop me from doing what I feel would be the likely conditions for it until I know it is dead,
On the being OK with PF front, i was one of those that suggested something similar back when they were talking about removing flight permanently. However, what I, and others, were pushing for was more a do x to unlock flight in y content, with each patch that introduced new content (Broken Shore, Argus, Nazjitar, etc) having their own PF to unlock flight just for that content.
No time gate, outside of how long it took to get the achievement
No keeping us grounded after we have done the story, exploration and rep (keep in mind, the rep would likely be honored or revered, depending on how far the story got you)
Prolonging seems to have been the excuse before…making us explore and get flight after all meaning has left the expansion, even after AH prices have long tanked so farming mats isnt even worth bothering with.
This PF is a different breed though.
We had flight from hour one of DF release. There was no forced ground exploration or using PF to prolong the content this time. MOST of us have played the content, some of us have multiple times.
So why is PF even here this time around?
Its clearly ONLY affecting the FEW who took a break and waiting for normal flight.
By some of the trolling responses themselves this group is so small as to be inconsequential.
So why do we need PF for that meaningless group now?
Spite was a word someone used above for it.
I added ‘ego’ into the mix as well.
Im confounded as to how it can be anything but those given THIS PF ONLY affects the lesser abled players. WE all have been flying from the first hour.
Sorry mate, I’ve watched this “war on flying” since WoD. It’s always been comedy. The vast majority of the complaints since WoD are solved by dragonriding. But for way, way too many it was never about flying.
It was always about the ability to bot content. It’s not any different than yolo pvp… which, spoiler is getting another wave of bot bans.
I have them all EXCEPT the seething cache treasure…which I cannot seem to get…makes me sad. BUT overall this pathfinder isnt required, and its pretty easy to get by just playing the game (minus the seething cache!)
No, it’s not. But I get it, you want to bot. There really isn’t any other reason to harp on this that much.
Static flying makes afking and botting significantly easier. That is why people want it back.
That is what the thread was called. It listed dozens of reasons why flying should come back. Some were relevant, like being able to use mounts that were earned and purchased. Some were not relevant, like wanting to be able to “see the content from the sky.”
Either way, dragonflying solves 95% of what people wanted from flying.