Pathetic Faction Balance Management (Again)

Learning takes too much effort. Money 1st learn later.

Oh…quarterly earnings down in BFA despite record launch sales…now let’s learn and release Shadow Lands! They’ll come back.

Oh in the meantime let’s give them what they wanted even though we know they don’t. /releases classic.

Talks to the board…see numbers are good! Board applause.

Look at the thread title and how far we’ve drifted from the actual issue. OP and myself pointed out a few servers that are terribly unbalanced, we’re trying to call Blizz out on a situation they created in the first place and offered suggestions. Personally I think opening limited faction transfers without preventing ppl from creating a new toon would be beneficial. Many ppl including myself don’t enjoy being on an ultra dominated faction. You can’t farm honor if allies or horde are hiding. That’s because it affects us, ppl who enjoy PVP.

So I’ll say this, if you’re from retail or don’t care about PVP, don’t bash people that want to have a decent balance, something like 60:40 or close, because if you’re strictly a PVE player you wouldn’t give a crap if it was 90:10.

These servers will soon become pve servers and how’s that a good thing for a PVP server? I would not be complaining if it wasn’t for the fact that free transfers caused this, not because of players. It’s not because they didn’t do research, and telling ppl to reroll on another server is not an appropriate solution, it’s just plain salt.


It’s not. Which is a great thing. PvP players have harassed and demeaned people that don’t like PvP for 15 years. Anything that makes PvP servers and PvP worse for them is great for those that have been constantly harassed by PvP players for over a decade.

Blizzard should do nothing to try to solve a problem (that the players created) for such jerk-ish behavior.

PvP servers becoming PvE servers is exactly what PvP players deserve.


Fact: World PVP is not a priority.

Fact 2: Phase 3 is going to be released early/mid dec. because blizzard is aware of how pointless phase 2 is. Most servers are so massive wold boss kills will be hard to achieve. Most people really don’t care about world pvp. Even the ones who rolled on pvp servers. IT’s a novelty event. It lasts like 2 weeks, then the excitement is gone.


I wonder who hurts your feelings tho, I’d recommend a pve server to reduce PTSD.

“Harassed” lmao. Might wanna stick to lower zones at 12 brave alt.

Thank you for proving my point about PvP players correct.

Your assistance is appreciated.


They didn’t create it. They opened the servers up to everyone, and the players made it unbalanced. And one need only have looked at how things were back in the day to see that this is always the way PvP servers have been.

Most people don’t want ‘fair’ world PvP. Not really. They may talk a good game, but in reality, they want to be on the winning side. Which is why, the moment transfers open up, people on the disadvantaged faction flee for the hills, making the imbalance worse.

Bull. It was totally players that did it. Even before launch, there were server discords and other groups that could show that some servers were going to be massively slanted to one faction or the other. Even after launch, there were survey apps and the like showing that servers were already massively unbalanced. People did this. The servers have been unbalanced from the beginning, and anyone who didn’t realize that they were didn’t do even a cursory google search.

Nope. Just because you don’t like a solution, doesn’t mean it isn’t appropriate. Telling them to either reroll or embrace the suck is the honest, realistic solution to the problem. If they don’t like it, we welcome them on Normal servers.


Shhhh! You’re going to shatter fragile PvP egos with talk like that! :slight_smile:

I mean, it’s true and all, but do you have to say it?

Taking responsibility is so old-fashioned, though . . .


PvP imbalance on skeram is terrible… so bad that I am leveling an alliance mage on thunderfury. So far on thunderfury I have had so much fun world pvping I can’t even begin to tell you… alliance and horde everywhere… and yes there are more horde but the imbalance isn’t so bad that it’s unplayable.

Roll alliance.

BOOM! I solved your problem, princess.


You don’t play on a PVP server, kinda sad you browse forums to bark at others, get a new hobby.

Another PVE player that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Back to retail!

Not sure about Skeram but there has been a few cases where entire guilds transferred. There is really only a few servers with ridiculous 8:1 ratios or so, and not only does it ruin pvp it ruins pve as well bc every instances, FP and farming spots are being camped constantly.

One way xfer very high horde to very low horde server, same for allies.

I had a level 2 orc that lived in the tram for many years. I was killed by guards once in the trade district. SW guards are actually pretty pathetic.

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My current server (Smolderweb) is fairly balanced, i’d transfer in a heartbeat to a server where alliance is heavily outnumbered. My motivation would be to have more enemies to gank in world pvp.

Skeram is one with terrible balance, it’s 8:1 or 9:1 at this point, balance is less terrible at 60 but no one is leveling on alliance side at all.

Pretty sure several horde guilds are opening up 3rd accounts so they can level alliance on skeram and help the AQ war effort.

You must really love proving my points about the character of PvP players correct.

I thank you for your continued assistance.


Ahh cant handle a little rush to kill the bordom. Pve is for.l carebears

Dont really matter if 100 horde just pves while ally is pvp favtion imbalnce is wayy over exaggerated

That faction imbalance gonna excacerbate after next rounds of transfers.


In the history of the game there have been lots of cases where entire guilds transferred, mostly for reasons of PvE. Guilds move from minority faction to majority faction so they have a bigger pool of potential members.

Entire guilds transferring for the purpose of fixing the faction balance for other players who didn’t want to do anything about it? Get serious.

And even if a few guilds did transfer, In all of classic that’s like nothing.

someone que the video where Apes kills 300 people in BRM with 40.

Hate faction imbalance? Get more organized with a large group, or go hunting in small parties. The world is huge, be smart.