Pathetic Faction Balance Management (Again)

I don’t play horde on Herod. But I started off as Horde before switching over.

There is nothing Blizzard can do about player choice other than removing it, and that is an even worse solution then Warmode.

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My first suggestion would be to find an actual wpvp game. WoW isnt.


False. It is why SOME people play MMOs. All those people on Normal servers? They’re there for questing, lore, exploration, raids, and so on. Many of them want nothing to do with PvP.


If I could make an alliance alt on the same server as my horde here, I would’ve made one. Unfortunately I cannot, and I don’t want to abandon Grobbulus as it’s the only server I know that has a pretty equal population.

I’m ecstatic for the day I come to the forums and see the massive complaints from the same Horde noobs who camped BRM and cannot find a PVP guild to queue BGS with. Your average Horde player will probably wait in excess of an hour for a BG with the current system. The faction imbalance for most servers is probably 4 to 1 and as many people have said most Alliance don’t care about PVP. In Retail it took me 2 hours to find a BG with the current queue system and that is a collective of all BGs in the game in a single queue. Think of the current system and you’ll see faction imbalance needs to be addressed if Blizzard doesn’t want high queue times within the game. When Horde have an hour queue for Alterac Valley they will come to the forums to complain.

Many of them want nothing to do with wPvP on imbalanced servers. They’ll still queue up for battlegrounds where teams are even.

Blood Elves to help encourage more people Alliance to play Horde.


That’s actually not a bad point. I’m not a huge fan of Warmode, to be honest, as it effectively means there are only PVE servers, but to your point, if PVP had been as popular as some say, then perhaps we would still have some PVP servers.

People are still free to reroll. That may not be an option they would prefer, but it’s available, right now.

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Why would the dominant faction want to transfer off a server they dominate?

IDK how many PvErs would actually transfer to PvP Servers, let alone not be the dominant faction for it…

Still feel like you’ll have the same problem. They’ll do their faction change, get bored and want to create a new character, causing an imbalance of the factions, again. Maybe later QQ about how they really don’t want to be the other faction, anymore.

I feel like you’ll see a lot of unsubs, and you’ll be the only player left stuck in a que 'cause the other faction is 0 to your 1.

Not at the expense of putting your wants, needs and desires above everyone else’s. Sorry, your ideas and suggestions are just bad.

That’s why they’re not truly Horde. They’re Alliance scum pretending to be Horde!

No. No more than I think fans of skiing get tired of skiing, or fans of the outdoors get tired of camping and fishing, or fans of strip clubs get tired of lady parts.

People that do activities they enjoy tend to enjoy doing those activities. The problem comes from thinking that novelty is the only value a particular activity affords, which isn’t the case.


True, but there are people who, even on the PvE servers, never flag outside of BGs, and avoid even the BGs. Some people simply don’t like PvP, in any of its forms.

Oy. Just because the rest of the Horde is full of ugly creatures doesn’t mean I’m Alliance scum. But if I’m going to spend hundreds of hours looking at someone’s back, I want to admire the view.

This. In fact, I’ll drop it down to something even more basic: Pokemon. Pokemon is a fairly linear, single person game, with not much in the way of plot and lore. And people still play even the old R/B/Y games to this day. Even if they never get a link cable to trade or battle a friend, they keep playing. Why? Because you try new things, see if you can get an all-dragon team, or try for a level 100 Magikarp. Or maybe you go out hunting shinies. All of those are perfectly good ways to play the game, and they keep people coming back, year after year. There isn’t any novelty in the encounters. You know exactly what to expect. The Elite Four aren’t going to change, no matter how many times you face them. But it is fun gameplay.

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The mere fact that you would think any of the Horde (other than the hideous Belves) are ugly is proof enough :wink:

Yeah, sorry, but I just don’t go for the ‘face only an ogre could love’ aesthetic.

Emerald Dream’s near 50/50 balance was because of players, not Blizzard.

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So very sick of hearing this garbage. I would prefer temporarily pissing a portion of the player base off than allowing server ratios to cause people to outright quit playing.


Fake Horde!

Just accept it, they ruined this game once, and they are ruining it yet again. We are just like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football…but we know how this ends.

Best hope is that Classic dies soon and private servers rise from the ashes. At least they didn’t lag every time more than 100 players engaged in wPVP.

Sharding with other realms to try to balance faction numbers in the world.

And then war mode so players on imbalanced PvP realms can opt out of wPvP.


It would have been nice if Blizzard had learned they should manage faction balance on PvP realms more carefully during their second time around.

Just to be clear, Warmode did nothing to address faction balance on servers. It was specifically to address WPvP faction balance. There’s a big difference. I only brought up Warmode to show that trying to skirt around balancing factions on servers made things even worse. The problem needs to be solved directly, and not with a system like Warmode.

And for the tenth time now, no one is trying to take away choices or force anyone to do anything. It’s simply about giving people options to server/faction change if they want to, and making sure those options are only available to the factions that need balanced, instead of being open to everyone.