Pathetic Faction Balance Management (Again)

So true. If you want short bg ques start your ally alt now. If not, expect a minimum of ten minutes. Retail is like this, has been for awhile. Classic will be exactly the same.

Once I’m 60 it’s off to my low level ally alt. Horde dominant the PvP realms, ally the pve. Our only hope is that there’s enough pve ally running bgs to compensate for the imbalance of the PvP realms. World PvP well, better go rppvp for a decent balance. Very few realms will be similar to what vanilla world PvP was unfortunately.

Erm, if people have fun playing the game, their doing it right… if that is pve, pvp or rp dosent matter, you essentiallty jsut said other people preference dosent matter :roll_eyes:

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So glad I did my research before choosing a server. I see so many people upset with their server decisions, its unreal


Nice try but classic launch is entirely different from Vanilla. Free transfer, layers, weren’t part of Vanilla.

Changes were made to your museum. Some people were already IN the museum when thousands of tourists came in via the free transfers Blizzard bus and messed it all up.

Let me know who your diviner is, guess I had to look into a crystal ball to foresee free transfers were coming up right?

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They had to make some of those changes or the game would not be playable and could not advance to phase 2. I agree however that layering should never have been a part of it. If they did not have layering then many of the other problems would not be here.

That’s a rich assumption. Players choose to roll horde for a whole variety of different reasons.

We each have our own identity. I enjoy this game as an RPG, and from my view point from a story perspective, Horde are the underdogs.

Luckily my realm is fairly balanced and there are some very serious Alliance PVP guilds that absolutely destroy us when we enter BRM to raid.

They need to offer free faction locked transfers, once P2 starts. Alot of people are caiming there is no incentive to transfer off of a dominant server, true right now, but once P2 starts these players will find it difficult to rank up due to supply and demand. I’m also not against them allowing players to transfer off of pve realms, to pvp, who cares that they got an easier lvling experience, I’d rather have balanced servers than fairness.


it’s player control, not blizzard control.



Not sure if it was maybe easier to do in wrath, but i tried, for 98 minutes, to get to the entrance of RFC.

I got many hugs and mourns from the players, but from the NPC’s i was pretty much aggro’d/dead on respawn, i die in like 1 hit naked, and i had not even made it to that kind of dead area before the instance entrance yet.
Guess i have forgotten just how far away you will pull aggro from in 1.12

I mean yea if i just kept going kept going, i’d probably have inched my way there, but no group would have stuck with me i’m sure.

Can’t be much better for Horde trying to dash through SW for stocks, even though youd be a bit higher level?

Meh. The trick is you run as fast as you can, before you get killed, move to the absolute limit you can before respawning, run as fast as you can, get killed, rinse and repeat until you get there. Depends on how many players are about, obviously, but once you get past the Valley of Strength, the Drag or Valley of Wisdom has fewer NPCs about. All it takes is patience, and you’ll get there.

For me, going to the Stockade, once I was past the Trade District, I only had 1 or 2 deaths until I got into the instance.

This post is so filled with abject nonsense it’s sickening.

PvP is what keeps players playing. Molten core, BWL, naxx, ZG, AQ, while fun, are static encounters that have no choice but to become stale.

PvP is dynamic, with endless potential for fun and creative use of game mechanics to achieve great, or hilariously stupid, things.

PvP is where classic+ should focus. Can’t wait.

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Lol what? PvP is why people play mmos to begin with.

Open transfers like how they fill up continents in planetside two. Can’t enter if it’s on the over populated side.

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No, the best anyone could do in that scenario is not fight.
Why fight overwhelming odds, that’s just poor strategy.


u could always duel people… or wait for bgs

VW sac, howl of terror, death coil, gnomish net, fear, .5 cast vw, re-sac, run?
Also it’s BRD, a death running to zone is expected.

If you are over the min level required, you can.

Thank you for becoming the universal authority and what is fun and what is not. Do we need to build a shrine, or would a simple tithe be sufficient?


You don’t play horde do you?

You don’t think most players, eventually, get tired of doing these encounters?