Pathetic Faction Balance Management (Again)

that would make more sense if even one of the xfers handed out thus far weren’t free

I’m not certain you can see the contradiction here.

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Although I completely agree with your post I’m not expecting blizz to do anything tbh, I had a level 60 hunter I abandoned to re roll on a server that is balanced, I am not regretting my choice. I’ve watched raid groups of horde and Alliance fighting it out on Netherwind in arathi and hillsbrad at level 60 and I’m simply excited to hit level cap knowing phase 2 is gonna be great for both factions on there.

Best thing we can do as players is take matters into our own hands for the sake of the game’s overall health even if it means re rolling.

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Well, the thing is…
The thing is, you can’t go to Ragefire Chasm, not in the slightest.

I dont mean to be blunt, but uh
I had to speak my mind, i’m sorry.


Sorry, No changes to a museum piece, all the solutions for your problems are in retail. Quit banging your head on the wall, nothing is going to change here.


You can do RFC as Alliance, or Stormwind Stockade as Horde. You can even do them at level. Just need to unequip your gear, and corpse hop through the city to the dungeon entrance. Did it myself, back in Wrath.


The moment they mentioned that we’ll have CRBGS, it was obvious that there was never any focus in maintaining healthy server populations and faction balances. Then we got free transfers to add more salt.

Blizzard doesn’t care about population/faction balance, never did. They would enforce healthy ratios otherwise. There are other MMOs where such things are taken care of, WoW was never one of them, for unclear reasons.


I don’t expect tons of people to switch from PvE to PvP, but why not give people the choice? And to be clear, I’m not talking about forcing anyone to do anything. It would just be an option for people who realize at some point down the road that maybe a PvE server wasn’t for them.

It is:

There is no contradiction at all. Both quotes are complimentary.

Players want balance, but it’s not something we can control very well. Many of us committed to servers pre-launch, or on launch day, before we had any idea what the faction balance was. The only option now is to delete or abandon characters we’ve put weeks of time into… and where would we even go? Grobbulus (an RP-PvP server)? Are there any others that are sitting close to 50:50?

That’s the point I’m trying to make… Blizzard needs to help manage balance and find ways to direct people where they’re needed. Individual players aren’t going to be able to peck away at this and solve it on their own.

Yes, and it’s a shame that a company like Blizzard can’t handle something like this. It’s a very solvable problem. Even private servers did a great job managing faction balance.

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Classic is not evolving. It is as it was. NO CHANGES!

I’m not asking for gameplay changes. This is at an account level. They’re already offering free transfers off full servers. I’m mostly asking that they do more to control which factions are eligible, and choosing more thoughtful servers for the players to transfer to. How does that break #nochanges?

Do you realize that out of the 60+ retail PvP servers, literally only one of them was close to 50:50? Retail is a train wreck. There are no solutions there. Warmode is a failure and has its own balancing issues.

I think that you, and a lot of others, are getting the wrong idea about the OP, and I don’t know why that is. No one is proposing that anyone be forced to do anything. The proposals being made are to give people options to move if they choose to.

What you are asking for is to have changes made. You do not change a museum, you visit it. Sure there is imbalance, but as Ghandi said, be the change you wish to see, meaning reroll.

And go where? Which PvP server is balanced? (Excluding Grobbulus, because that’s RP-PvP, and I don’t RP.)

No, they aren’t. You described a bunch of people who want to do 5 on 1s or who want to present the opposing faction with a sea of red. That isn’t even remotely close to “players do want balance.”

See, what people want is to keep their characters. They don’t want balance.

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How do you know the balance and such of servers? Is there a statistic for this, or are we guessing. Even so, just reroll on a server that is in the minority, and try to bring friends. Don’t know what else to tell you really, maybe retail is the solution for you? I dunno.

This problem is why I largely left Retail. Being on a 70-90% faction dominated realm is insufferable.

It doesn’t just affect pvp, the balance slowly tips more out of balance as the underdog faction slowly give up.

I feel for anyone who has found themselves on one of these forgotten realms so soon after release.

If retail is any indication, it’ll only get worse from here.

Ah, so where in this museum are the paid transfers introduced in 1.11?

Does Ghandi have a quote for fact checking before acting smug? lol.


Seriously, you’re the problem.
The problem is, people roll horde to dominate in pvp instead of rolling as an underdog.

Before classic launch we knew the horde was going to dominate pvp server and you decided to roll one anyway. You’ve made that choice.

When bgs are going to roll out, we will ear horde again complaining about queue time. Again, you’ve made that choice!

Asking to transfer pve alliance to pvp server is a selfish proposal that affect pvp alliance players. I worked Like crazy to roll alliance, getting ganked, changing questing zone because that previous one was unplayable for alliance.

Did you hear me complain? No! I assume the choice I’ve made and that’s it.

I’m playing wow for the pvp and I was able to convince my friends to roll alliance because it will all worth it when bgs are going to be out.

Stop complaining and just accept the decisions you’ve made or reroll. Don’t put the responsabillity on others.


not sure about the paid transfers. I would be for them for sure. As you are retail you can use them on the client you play. I do think they will come out with transfers. When they do I hope you cannot transfer gold or items.

I’m not sure. The current transfers do however so I have a feeling it might be the case.