Path of Ascension

For ~ a month now I have been unable to progress the path of ascension. I unlocked the first tier which according to guides found on wowhead unlocks 6 bosses. I have access to the first 2 bosses: Kalisthene and Echthra. I have no quests available from Dactylis, and no items available to craft besides charm of fortitude, and soul mirror.

I am unable to craft a soul mirror as it requires soul mirror shards which seem to only drop while you are on a quest to unlock a memory boss. I have completed 8/9 chapters for the Kyrian campaign, and I am currently Renown 21.

I have submitted tickets and made other posts with no response or fixes.

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The inkeeper to the left of the npc where you can craft things fot the PoA sells the materials. I think you have to craft items to get the quests.

I have noticed multiple bugs with this covenant feature.

Sometimes some equipment doesn’t work. The Spiritforged Aegis wouldn’t work yesterday against the Spliterbark Nightmare. And the boots sometimes wouldn’t work, but sometimes would.

Also, right now I have the materials for the “Athanos” quest but it won’t let me complete it. It seems because I crafted the Soul Mirror and had it in my inventory before the quest became available.

There is such an unacceptable number of bugs in the game for almost 2 months post-launch.


having the same issue, managed to get a step further by deleting the mirror I had and now can make another, but now the mobs aren’t dropping the pieces for it as I no longer have the quest.

super buggy


Yes I know this. There are no items to craft that would start a quest. I have 2 options for crafting: the soul mirror which you cannot loot items to craft it unless you are on a quest to unlock a memory, and a charm of fortitude which does not start a quest.

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5 weeks now.

Which boss’ do you have unlocked? Are you SURE you did not drop one of the unlock lines in progress? You can only make mirrors when you are on the unlock lines, so that you can craft these at all speaks to that line being “in progress”.

For example, maybe check out the quests on the Alderyn and Myn’ir/Ecthra tracks to see if you accidentally abandoned one mid progress.

I think I’m at the same point as Isoscelez. I’ve got Kalisthene and Echthra and that’s it.

I thought the same thing about the mirrors and the quests, but even if we dropped them, isn’t right there with Dactylis and the surrounding Kyrian be where we would pick the quests up again?

Paolene only offers advice about the trident and footpads for equipment.

Renown 24 for myself, Kyrian campaign completed. I imagine Iso is at the same point as well.

Have tried everything I can think of, beaten those 2 bosses multiple times over now

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As I stated in my first post, Kalisthene and Echthra.

Here is what I remember, I completed the quest line that you originally get when unlocked tier 1, and then Dactylis had 2 items(not including the soul mirror). There were 2 quests available. Neither quest was acceptable, and just required you to turn in the items to unlock the memory questline. I first did the item that unlockled Echthra. I turned the item in, and received the quest to unlock them. I did this and unlocked the memory. When I returned to Dactylis to complete the next item there was no longer an option for the next boss.

Edit: Perhaps I abandoned a quest, but I don’t recall that happening. I had abandoned any previous expansion quests while leveling to 60.

Regardless this would still be a bug, and not change me having to post here. This is my second post about this, and I have submitted a ticket with no response.

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So you have the footpads and the trident as your items as well?
I think I had the option for the third item when I crafted the trident, but same issue as you, if it was there it’s not now after unlocking Echthra

Yeah if we abandoned them wouldn’t we be able to pick them up again from the same spot? not be stuck for weeks?

Im having a similar issue. I was on the “war of information” questline to unlock Echthra. there was a bug in Bastion that would not allow me to use the heat at the required location. I opened a ticket and got a generic response telling me to abandon the quest and restart. I did that and now I’m unable to pick up the quest again. There are no available quests near Dactylis, not even the quest to craft the items and turn in like the beginning of the quest chain. I also went to Maldraxxus where Echtra is located and couldn’t find her either.

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well now they’ve given me a quest to win a path of ascension as Kleia, but thanks to this being bugged I can’t use Kleia atm.

finally got a response to my ticket, literally saying they’re too busy to respond… this is ridiculous

No, because some of those quests after the first one start in other zones. So if you dropped the quest mid progress in Ardenweald, the pickup may be back in Ardenweald now.
This is true for Adleryn and Myn’ir, the very next boss over from Echthra.
You should probably go here, and check the pickup point for each of these quests

I’m running a hail pass here and guessing y’all abandoned one of these “Piercing the Shell” or “The Hunt’s Gratitude”.


you absolute legend! I abandoned Piercing the Shell apparently, which I probably would have if it was listed under a different zone ><

Hopefully it’s that simple of a fix for you too Isoscelez!

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It been 2 months now.

Did u get solution for ur issue since i got same issue too?

I quit the game, so I have no clue.

The solution is above Tessaiga, there is no bug here. At some point you abandoned one of the unlock quests and now ya need to go find it and pick it back up. I’d bet my entire life savings that you need to head to Maldraxxus to pick up “War of Information” -


Dollars to dimes you abandoned one of the Vorkai quests in Ardenweald, and need to pick it back up. One of these two


It happened after i delete my soul mirror.

It’s like all bosses memory stored in soul mirror and its gone after u delete it.

I try to restore but its not on my wow restoration list.
I try to craft new soul mirror but nothing happened.

The only solution for this issue is reset back questline to obtain path of ascension bosses which unable to do by GM.

I think I just did this.

I suspect the issue is doing one of the unlock quests without a soul mirror. You complete the quest but don’t get the unlock so you have nothing to abandon and nothing to turn in.