Path of Ascension

Has anyone found a fix for this? I have a quest to fight Nuuminuuru and I cant select him from the soul mirror. I checked my quest progress on wowhead and I completed everything leading up to Nuuminuuru.

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I have the exact same issue. How do we make a ticket

Thank you so much for this!!! :smiley:

100% Worked for me to do as mentioned by Groor etc: find the quest chain for capturing the memory of these encounters, and fly to the locations of each of those steps until you find a quest ready to be taken.
I am pretty sure that I :

  1. never dropped a quest
  2. did not leave a quest chain half way through
    I think there may be a failed breadcrumb thingy between the guy in bastion and the next step of the quest that breaks on log out or something. You literally have to track the chain down on wowhead etc to complete it. So, find your boss that you are missing, find the quest chains, go to all the listed locations and hopefully you will get back on track. This was a pain looking for this for hours before I landed here.

Make sure you have the soul mirrors in invo to capture the encounter when done.