Patch Notes Draft

Hey Blizz, can it be like a hummingbird?

heheh… Add a stumble when he falls in the Lumber Mill in BG Arathi, even with his Bladestorm they are funny with his lack of dps after WotLK.

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THere will be no high dwarves you will get your standard drunk dwarf. Anything else will be met with a wall of naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaes laddy .


The shaman notes are perfect! And absolutely necessary…

Mechatauren had better become a real thing, even if it’s just an ETC skin in HotS.

Size isn’t everything, Kaivax…


I look forward to these every year! Thanks so much for giving me some laughs today - some of these were fantastic! :slight_smile:


Blizzard reads all of the posts. This issue you speak of is in the Classic forums. Posting here will NOT get you closer to solving the issue. Stop ruining what little fun folks have in THIS post to complain about something that Blizzard is most definitely aware of.


Then why are you in this post just to frustrate yourself and interrupt what little fun folks try to squeeze out of THIS post. Since you are aware of this why put yourself through it again?


Tech writer note – looking for edits from all producers and team leads here. Please get back to us by EOD tomorrow, and please don’t leak this doc like one of you leaked all the new professions. Oof.

Uhhh you guys fired them all?

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Ah yes, another “friendly joke” about High Elves, showing that Blizzard knows full well how much their paying customers have wanted High Elves since vanilla, and they just keep giving them middle fingers like this and the void elves. Ha. Ha. Funny. :roll_eyes:

Yes yes, I know, I have no sense of humor, etc. I guess after all these years, it’s just worn out, sorry.

Kul Tiran Worgen would be pretty welcome TBH, since Worgen should be a helluvalot bigger than they currently are. So weird that Kul Tiran Humans are somehow taller than werewolves and draenei…

Anyway, I hope a real update comes soon.

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any1 noticed every year they say a patch on on April 1 its dam stupid

Five people with multiple accounts does not a movement make.


lol best one.

Can this be a glyph, please?


Good job on these! Kudos to the team :slight_smile:

I would definitely play a Mechatauren. And I want that Heroic Leap pirouette as well, maybe as a glyph.

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That Doom reference!

I never knew I could want something so bad without ever thinking of it before.


Are you sure? Because the last time I drew the shape I wanted, I got lectured by Nola about “not setting a good example” just because the shape may have been… symbolically male in nature.


THey would have to make a glyph for them to be mountable and anyone who hopped on would have to be able to stay on for 8 seconds or more .

COuld even give it a cheevo

Not My First Rodeo.

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