Patch Notes Draft

Since you’re making joke patch notes, could we also get a real content patch before Shadowlands please?

Thanks, needed these laughs today.


Oh Lawd, this one must sting the most :rofl:

Actually that sounds cool as hell to play as. :slight_smile:

:point_up: :neutral_face:


Actually, now i am curious, what does the Echoing Void sounds like? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

… If only this was real… :cry:

And this one too… :sob:

Nice to see the usual length/effort put into these patch notes return. :smiley:


Oh, you think you’re funny, eh? :cowboy_hat_face:

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You have zero knowledge of what I’m talking about. It’s perfectly fine, you play retail, I play Classic…same company, different games.

The problem classic is having is not at all related to “holiday” like spikes in population. It’s much more chronic than that and needs a real solution by Blizzard. I believe they’ll do something, but it really needs to be sooner than later.

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Lots of their april fools patch notes frustrate me because they just take things people are passionate about and crap all over them in a “haha we know you want x and this is not that funny yoke” kinda way.

Same for WoWhead’s thing. Like, cosmetic necklaces would be cool. But it’s just an April fools gimmick. “Look at this cool thing that will never actually exist!” is not a joke. It’s just disappointing.

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Ouch. We don’t even get cool stuff in the April Fools thread. That cuts too deep blues. Too deep indeed.

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I know right? lol

“Corrected an issue that would occasionally cause Holy Word: Serenity to take the sky from you.”

chef’s kiss


so i figured demon hunters would get nerfed, but instead we get high-intensity bulbs and social distancing. the rich get richer!


The Alliance was saying High ELVES not dwarves.



Well, time to stack up on Flower Pots.


Well for those that are saying no adjustment needed to shaman, the answer is no, I finally cleared normal Nyalotha last week so onto heroic now, and was able to solo heal some parts of the N’zoth fight on my shaman here so that’s fine no adjustment needed for my class.

I got my cloak pretty good though.

I needed this meme back in my life.


I am looking forward to the HIGHMOUNTAIN GOBLIN!!! I’ve been wanting to play this race since VANILLA! :rofl:


It is the opposite of Haymaker, which should be renamed to YEET!


These look like real patch notes compared to what we actually play in BFA