Patch 1.13.7 Today

What about the price on character cloning? I’d like to know what that is going to be.

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If this is referring to me, I have always been opposed to these changes. I like spell batching and have argued in favor of keeping it for the many unique strategies players have devised around it. 10ms spell batch has deep gameplay implications and wasn’t implemented in retail until WoD. The majority of players who have cried about spell batching are ignorant about how it even works, and usually the real reason they died is not “the game didn’t let me react quickly enough” but rather “I failed to anticipate what was about to happen”. In addition to changing the gameplay of every single class in PvP, the batching change is also a universal nerf to all PvE encounters, and encounter nerfs are the absolute last thing that classic needs.

I’m honestly not a fan of the world buff pokeball either. I don’t mind raid logging on my main, particularly when we are this far into the final tier of classic. I have alts to play for a reason. Also the pokeball encourages far worse min-maxing than before: get one buff -> immediately pokeball it and log to wait out the CD -> restore buff and get more buffs -> pokeball again and immediately log to wait out the CD -> repeat a few times -> go to ZG isle, buy and use a zanza potion, then buy another one -> get summoned to Naxx.

It also changes the entire PvP meta around world buffs. It is IMO a big change with massive implications, and I seriously doubt that the developers properly considered all of them.

And the buff priority system is a whole 'nother can of worms. How do the developers decide what buffs have priority? Where can players find this information? From the standpoint of players, doesn’t the relative priority of buffs depend on the gameplay situation? What should be prioritized if I have both ‘Evasion’ and ‘Earthstrike’ buffs? The ‘right’ answer can definitely change once the tank taunts the mob off me.

Anyway, there are a lot of reasons that I don’t play retail, and I really don’t support these efforts to make vanilla into a more retail-like game. I’m concerned about the precedent established by these changes as well.

TLDR: if you’re accusing me of anything here, I’ve been team #nochanges all along and I have not wavered in that.

Anyway, back to the original topic of my question:

Why did the developers single out only one mechanic (seal twisting for paladins) to preserve with the new 10ms spell batch and why were other gameplay interactions players have discovered and practiced over the years not also singled out for preservation?

What is different between a paladin seal twisting vs. a rogue vanish-immuning raid mechanics vs. a priest using SW:D in TBC PvP to break polymorph? What makes seal twisting more special than these other interactions?

Probably because it essentially is? This is where we ask questions. Just might not get the answers right away.

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In what world do you think they’re going to start fielding questions on random unrelated subjects. When has that ever happened?

Thank you for your concern.


They answer questions all the time. Go through any recent blue post in the Classic forums.


All of these are direct responses to people’s questions and comments.

And again, this is precisely the place to ask questions. The Classic forums is where one would go to do that. Where else would you go to do that?

“You think this is an AMA?” is honestly kind of a dumb thing to say because yes it’s the closest thing we have as far as communication with Blizzard goes.

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Please tell me you’re trolling?

You understand the difference between elaborating on the original post and asking for answers to entirely unrelated subjects like yall are doing.


The cost of character copy is a very related subject and is not addressed in the aforementioned

Nor is it addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions link.

If you feel that’s unrelated, who cares? Keep it to yourself. People still want to know.

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:woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4: :woman_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:

Bump because I would like some insight towards what makes Seal Twisting worth preserving but not other batching-reliant gameplay interactions?

As long as you execute vanish as the ability executes you will be fine. (assuming vanish is not bugged)

FYI your support page for the Classic Era realms says it will be on patch 1.13.6. I’m sure this is an error right?

The window for doing this is now 40x smaller on average though, yes?

Effectively in “Classic” (Not actual Vanilla) you could “Vanish” after the effect. That was never authentic.

I will be doing some PVE and PVP testing of Vanish later tho, I know very well how it reacted to spells in the original game (actual vanilla TBC and wrath) and how it reacted in Classic (different in some ways)

You’re acting like we all owe you money. Are you okay?



Also you don’t have to sign your posts. We can uhh see who’s posting…

I dunno man, you just seem pretty angry over some pretty harmless questions.


Seems like you’re projecting?

You might also just be insane…

No man, an objective parse of your posts reads a lot of anger.


ETA: your name calling that you edited in serves as a perfect example.

Not really… An objective “parse of your posts” reads kinda of like a crazy person…