Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

Good. Bye.

One less twink around.


I mean it’s a change for the people charging like 30k for freehold runs. And will remove this spam from /2 as it’s quite annoying. That’s all i see anymore on Illidan

If 110 twinks want to run for achievements and pets they can group together or maybe they will in the future be able to solo que

Considering how they made it so twinks can longer enter BGs with non twinks, I’m not surprised this change made it to XP carries.

Hey it sucks twinks hurt you for whatever reason. Sorry you dislike others having fun


Apparently, you also dislike others having fun, hence why you twink. Or, it could be you just suck at pvp. Either way, it’s an intentional unfair advantage via loopholes.

I uh do pve twinking? I really dislike pvp lmao


This isn’t possible anymore slap. I tried a couple of times to queue PvP, twinks have their own bracket, which is non existent. Queue just lasts forever with no average queue time.

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I don’t know. Do you?

If you’re not a pvp twink, you shouldn’t be getting huffy puffy at me, then.

Knowledge doesnt matter to people who are mad.


110 brackets happen.

And you can NOT queue into them with XP off so shoosh.

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Twinks and non-twinks are in separate ques.

I was talking about the twinks in general. I don’t care about their xp. My viewpoint is that they shouldn’t exist at all.

I’m sorry if you don’t agree.

Can you explain how twinks hurt you so bad?


Actually there is some sort of exploit happening where twinks are getting into non-twink battlegrounds. I do not know the system and have no intention of investigating it, but it does happen (I’ve seen it myself in some lower level bgs). Until Blizzard does something to either punish or stop people doing it, I suspect it will keep happening.

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It’s a simple interact macro. They know about the issue there was a bluepost about it recently.

Did you conveniently not mention that before?

Was unaware others didn’t know about it.

Devs trolling the game confirmed.
Flips hair and sips tea

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You don’t know what twinking is if you are even asking this question…

Twinking was made, and it’s main purpose has always been to PVP. Not to play current content at a lower level. The freehold loophole is 100% an exploit and you are surprised they are taking action on that?

The delivery is horrendous, but it makes 100% sense.

If you only play the game to twink 110 and do BfA content, you literally are playing the game wrong.