Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

Right now on the ptr it is not doing that though. Who knows with blizzard these days

Per Blizz, trolling shouldn’t be possible.


Twinks ruin the game!

This is to maximize their boost token sales. Not even a conspiracy anymore.


120 boosts coming soon

Official word.


Max level mythic raiders in a random bg is the same thing. Why is it so bad at a lower level?

Recent, Offical word.

why is this post flagged?

Yea you can buy a boost to 120 when 9.0 comes out. When the content is no longer relevant as a catch up mechanic.

Probably 8.3.

Did it work that way for WOD or legion?

Yes. In Legion.

You could boost to 110 at 7.3?

Yes. You could. I did it with my priest.

I’m kinda baffled by the sheer number of people in here who see twinking ONLY as cheating, exploiting, and harmful. There are NUMEROUS reasons why someone might stop XP and twink out a character for their own reasons.

For example, right now, my entire guild is working toward the Herald of the Titans feat of strength which REQUIRES stopping XP at 77 and again at 80 to farm out the necessary gear for the fight. That necessary gear in many cases comes from dungeons so many of us have been queuing to try to get that gear since there aren’t always guildies online to run us through at max level.

Why should we be punished for trying to get this amazing feat of strength now that scaling has made it so difficult you HAVE to twink for it? Why should people we randomly group with be punished for it? etc. What is wrong, in general, with people enjoying the game the way they want to instead of this highly controlled, scripted way Blizz seems to keep herding us into?


Don’t remember if it was 7.3 or 7.3.5, but yes… a few months before BfA released 110 boosts were available. May have been when the last raid launched, or thereabout.

It looks like 7.35 when the bfa-preorders were available so yea, that makes sense
It was the minipatch after the patch with the last raid tier.

Did anyone say otherwise?

I think I did? Current PTR is not following what the blue posted.

Then again, there are some bugs they are still working on. For example, if you transfer a twink over that already has their EXP locked, this change to group exp wont go into effect until you unlock, then re-lock the character’s EXP.