Party wide twink XP debuff 8.2 .... WHAT?!

Good, they are exploiting how scaling works I’m glad they are fixing it. Obviously, it was never intended to work that way.


The only way to “fix” it (which it really doesn’t need to be) would be making ILVL scaling harsher. Which would be an even WORSE decision.

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Not sure 166 people selling the same thing for REAL MONEY is what trade chat was intended for. Not to mention my ignore list is full.


Much easier… having to continually go through the zones etc on every alt is mindbogglingly boring that makes one question their existence, at least I do… lol.


TIL gold is a real life currency.


Gold equates to real life currency, just because it takes 100 trillion zimbabwe dollars to equal 40 us dollars doesn’t mean the zimbabwe dollar isn’t currency :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I am preety sure what they meant was that these people get you in a discord chat and ask you for real money as an option, something I found to be true with mythic runs…

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Does it? Can I convert my gold into money through blizzard and buy a bigmac? Last I checked I couldn’t, but if you would please enlighten me as to how I can do that I will concede gold is an actual currency.


What’s the positives of killing off in-game leveling services? How does this change improve our community? I’m legit asking because I’m sure there’s a good reason for this nerf.


There isn’t. Even in a business standpoint blizzard probably loses money from the change since people could have funded it with tokens. Not like they are going to gain an additional month of sub instead since 110-120 doesn’t take THAT long organically.


While I favor level 60 twinks, and not a fan of 110, there is no reason for this change, these 110 twinks are no effecting end game play, and if anything only assist people in leveling.


Could be the twinks are just going to get shunted off into their own queue and not impact anyone else, like he BG stuff.


Honestly, they should just not allow anyone with their XP turned off form joining an island instance. I don’t see the issue with them power leveling someone thru Freehold. 110s have been a major scaling issues all of BFA…


Great, now Trolls and Jerks can go turn their XP off and waste all the time people who want to level via by Island expeditions or dungeons.

Hey i got an idea… why not put the twinks in their own Ques? have basic matchmaking to exclude twinks or not? If your going to stop boosting, maybe put some effort to stop that? Like turn off loot for the Twinks? or encourage to not play with twinks and award extra stuff for playing with those who has their experience on. Or balance Freehold’s exp rate where it’s equal or less to the other dungeons.

Why do everybody needs to be punished just cause they hit the random button and they got a chance to be screwed over?? Did Bethesda gave you that idea?

“It just works, 16 times the player engagement, i read it on the internet, so it must be true.”

I am completely dumbfounded that   that was your answer! - Steve Harvey dumbfounded


There is no good reason 'cause it only affects the people paying for said service, lull. Truth be told, even when we had that dungeon ‘‘exploit’’ for power boosting… and other things as well, some people leveled alts 'cause the leveling was bare-able while others found dungeon boosting fun or some other thing Blizz put a stop to.

So these nerfs effectively pushes away people from playing the game a certain way.


I like this change, twinks are only there to abuse the system.


The island level boost service is over, now its time to nerf Freehold Spam Level Boost Service.


Twinks were helping level people’s alts when the mindless tedium of Blizzard leveling in 2019 became too much. Now they will be in your queue, ruining your experience. Can’t say I feel any pity towards people with attitudes like yours though.
I made my gold and leveled my alts, btw. I pretty much stopped offering my services weeks ago so this change doesn’t really effect me much.


Hey at least all the spam about selling this nonsense in trade will be gone


So. If I’m reading this right: if you level lock at all, you’re part of the problem.

Well, isn’t that nice, to screw over someone else’s day with zero intention of doing so. Dungeons already give pathetic gains in terms of XP, this nerf is frankly unnecessary.
In fact this only hurts those who are leveling and hate world questing. Literally.

Also for anyone complaining about trade chat, simple solution. Turn. It. Off. Takes you less than a minute.

And before anyone asks, no, only level lock to stay with friends and randoms that have been awesome people to run with. So this talk about abusing loopholes is literally a fringe element that is getting blown out of proportion.


Yay more dead twinks!

This seriously makes me happy when they address the twinking problem, be it random BG’s to speedrunning dungeon carries or Islands. Good Job Blizz!