Regarding the “level sync” option - as the title replies, it seems counter-intuitive.
Expectations: I level sync and it puts me within level range of my partner so I’m not overpowering everything and it feels like we’re leveling together. “repeat quests” are available and I am pulled into their (lower level) phase.
Reality: My level 46, 45, and 50 stay at their respective levels and power, I am still overpowered, no quests are available for “repeat”, only low level quests that offer little to no worthwhile exp.
I can’t tell if this is supposed to happen or why. Someone explained that the stat squish made level 10s sync with level 50s, but I’m still completely over powered so it fails in the “power sync” area. Nothing shows up as a repeat quest that might offer my higher level (synced) character exp for his level.
This is before we even talk about the phasing issues. She (the new player I’m partnering with) started the NPE and we were locked out from playing together until she cleared the island. Fine, I thought. Then, she was thrown directly into BFA content. When she arrived in BFA aboard Jain’s ship we level synced and her phase completely bugged out. She was suspending in mid air, fell into the water, and could not get back aboard the boat. I had to glitch her character through the bottom of the boat to even continue the quest because the small dinghy that circles the larger ship was clipping. Additionally she was seeing many cases of NPCs occupying the same space, like the phases were confused for her or something, with and without being grouped.
Once I did that, the prison break sequence bugged out and and the “escape dinghy” stopped in the middle of a fatigue spot deep in the ocean. I ran her character back across the ocean twice before finally spirit ressing just outside of Kul Tiras.
After all that hot mess, we still can’t level sync still, or at least not in any way that we can make sense of. Additionally, I’ve tried to unlock Chromie time for her. I’ve completed “Sail Away” achievement that most guides say you need to complete, she might need a level 50 on her account? Which she doesn’t have, so oh well I guess? Im not sure that would have fixed the level sync thing anyways.
Overall, I can tell you she found the NPE exile island charming and fun, and she likes the aesthetic of the game, but boy what a hot mess. The phasing and clunky level sync thing that makes no sense, to the buggy quests after what is an otherwise well-polished NPE on exile island. Basically everything after exile island is nothing like exile island. I’m posting here because I’d like to see what gives? Is there something I’m missing about level and phase synching? She doesn’t really want to continue if we can’t play together on any of my existing characters, and I have little interest in starting another char since I have most of any classes I want to play.
Please let me know if you have any idea what I’m doing wrong, I spent 3 hours trying to get sync to work, but that’s pretty absurd. Or if you’ve had a similar experience I wouldn’t mind hearing yours. I think it’s a shame, WoW has some interesting stuff going on with the phasing, but its so buggy and sloppy after the NPE island that it really has driven away a potential new player. Trying to convince her to keep playing if I can figure out what’s going on with sync.