Out Like Flynn cancel cinematic bug

I cancelled the cinematic in “Out like flynn” as part of the BFA intro quests, and was stuck floating on the boat in fatigue zone and had to wait till I died. Then I released at the spirit healer by Tol Dagor, ran to corpse, but was stuck in fatigue zone again. I hearthed to SW, but the portal is up in the Wizard’s Sanctum thankfully in this case.


same thing just happened to me. It’s no wonder why everyones quiting wow.


still a bug…

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Yep, a bug for me and my mate too. So annoying, now we have to walk back over and over to get to the island. This sux.

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Happened to me as well - just now. Had cancelled cinematic, boat continued to move for a bit, then stalled in the fatigue zone.

EDIT: for the sake of thoroughness in reporting …

Doing this quest on a lvl 13 character.

It is possible to reach the corpse while dead, however on resurrection there is no boat and the usual fatigue timer starts.

Since others have already reported hearthing to kludge the bug, I decided to experiment with swimming toward the mainland - died again, but close enough to appear at the nearest mainland graveyard. The fatigue timer starts while still dead & flying back to corpse. On rez it’s impossible to reach mainland coastal waters before again dying of fatigue.


This happened to me just now, twice in a row before I figured out why lol. So I can confirm this is still a bug and literally kills your character.


Bumping because this is still happening. I’d like to complete this quest and get on w my life.

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Bug still active. i’ve dead twice from fatigue.

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Still happening. Rez, run back to your corpse, abandon the #$% quest and do it again. Do not skip cine.

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Still have this dumb bug right now, I cancelled the cinematic, don’t know if it works without cancelling the cinematic or not…

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Watching the Cinematic will allow you to avoid the fatigue bug!

same thing happened, bad after a solid new player experience on island, to get into that mess

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bump, this sh‎it is still happening

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Yay I join this club too.

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still around

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Bug still exists.

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Yeah but the cutscene is like 30 seconds max just watch it and don’t die :joy: