Party Sync 19 Bracket Issues

So lately Ive been in Eye of the storm where a DK was still mounted. Keep in mind this is a level 19 bracket where nobody should be mounted. Needless to say the DK was able to capture the flag and get away before even facing a horde. He explained you just need to be flying when you accept the bg obviously in party with a guild member whos leveling to be in that bracket to begin with.

So I understand why party sync is a thing but why should a level 120 be allowed in these lower level brackets? Why shouldn’t a twink be able to exploit this either? I know for a fact if you have old raid gear from a bracket like 70 and youre on a 120, party sync with another 70 and wear that old SW gear. you will be destroying people because that scaling goes haywire trying to figure out what to do with il 92 gear.

Im curious how Blizzard will even deal with this issue, they removed twinks from regular bg ques but added 120s who could just twink out for a bracket they want to play. Id highly suggest putting these party sync 120s into twink ques then maybe those guys wont complain as much for not having ques. And reduce how much you nerf the 120s. I bet twinks would love to stomp on some 120s in that situation.


It is very interesting that party sync is allowed like this overall. I have never heard or seen about the possibility of doing that with a mount however. I am pretty sure that level 70 or any gear is scaled down even if in the same bracket to a templated version that specifically sets most of the stats during party sync. The only exceptions are consumables, heirlooms, and azerite gear powers from 110+ but even those are semi-scaled.

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That sounds like a major unfair advantage. And the fact that he had to accept the queue while in flight means it’s an exploit.

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People sadly don’t care who they crap on in this game, so long as they get their jollies off that’s all that matters apparently. Even now I get that strange feeling that the Developers have long since forgot they even have people who enjoy participating in low level bg’s let alone who do in fact like things to be somewhat on even ground.