Pants of the Naaru

So…after like 12 years of these having this appearance:

Someone thought it was necessary to change them to this:

Revert this please. Honestly…I don’t understand why something has to change/be broken with transmog in literally every patch. I take my virtual Barbie doll dress-up very seriously, dammit!


You wear those on a gnome? Yikes!

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Nah, I don’t use skimpy mogs on my gnome characters.

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Psst, I already made a thread about this.


The more rabble-rousing, the better!


Last night I noticed my Void Elf had some god awful texture on her legs. Thats when I realized the glorious Pants of the Naaru had been changed. I sincerely hope this is just a bug from that patch, but I have a sneaking suspicion someone at blizzard got triggered and changed it because they can.


Some ubber RPer told me that this is not a big deal, so who knows, maybe she is right.

Then she’s clearly not the right kind of role-player.


Why are people freaking out about some pants for your skimpy mog when you KNOW for a FACT you’ll never look as good as I do no matter how those pants look, and it’s completely appropriate to my clan’s culture.

Get on my loincloth’s level.


They need to fix this too:

This ball appears on all three colors of that hat for female tauren. Not sure about other race/gender combos.

This is a TRAVESTY!!! Blizzard has gone too far. I never thought they would sink so low. Unbelievable.

First, they came for my gold, and I said nothing because I had enough.

Then, they came for my abilities, and I said nothing because I hoped the combat would be better.

And then…cries they came for the slutmogs!!!

We must all unite against this oppression. We cannot allow this tyranny to continue!


Why do wind chimes need pants.

I just came here looking for this after I noticed some of my transmog outfits were broken.


I mean, they always looked kind of broken, but we used them for a reason: the bare legs. Why change them after ALL this time?

Blizzard continues their crusade to slowly get rid of skimpy 'mogs.


My mage pandaren, Miss Wen, didn’t need a downgrade on her mog!:panda_face:

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While they’re at it… they broke the Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Leather Helm years ago and never fixed it.
The jaw used to move up and down.
It will move on some races, like Blood Elf… But for others, like Undead, it just sits there half open, not moving and looking stupid.

They are only going to fix them if the old look becomes unisex. I know that’s not what you guys wanted to hear but I don’t make the rules, sorry!

There’s a couple from MoP that share that look, I’m wearing one of them now.

New year and these pants are still messed up. Blizzard pls

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This is a drone strike straight into the center of the Moonguard community’s heart.

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They usually roll out transmog fixes during major patches, so if it doesn’t happen in 8.3, I don’t really have much hope that it will ever be fixed.